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[發問] 檔案加密

回復 1# 沙文 的帖子

用舊D的菲林咪算lor...何必追求科技, 係都要scan lei....

By the way, it is always possible for your computer to be hacked, once it's connected to the internet. What I could do is simply hope that others won't be interested in hacking my computer, or sending me a virus, or interested in my photos, etc... . Therefore, I am not so comfortable in making $$ transaction via internet...

回復 5# 沙文 的帖子


如果有computer security就一定有破解方法,如果一個電腦無I/O device port既係可以做到無破綻既電腦出黎架.但好可惜,你打緊果個kleyboard,睇緊既monitor,推緊既micky,上緊網既有線或無線lan都係I/O port既一種.

其實就等如鎖完開得番既鎖就一定有用鎖匙以外既方法開得到,問題係要用幾耐咁話同時間之嘛啫.而physical既鎖重因為要modify唔同既鎖匙同鎖膽combination要用實物都仲有少少難度,而logical鎖則係可以virtual modify,又唔駛要真既物料,所以好容易.而且一般電腦一開機就有幾萬個I/O port.其實係封唔晒架.
有冇搞錯呀?煩唔煩喲呀?難道宇宙尚有第三條終極真理 -- 天下無破解唔到嘅comupter security?
Don't know where God is but the Devil is in the details
Split the file into N piece, put them in N different place.  N/2 of the places is remember by you, the other N/2 places is remember by your partner.

In order to get the content, they will need to have all the pieces togather, which means bot of you will have to leak the information out.

There is a perfect secrecy by using one time pad.  Just that it is not feasible.  Please pray to your local God for assistance.


回復 1# 沙文 的帖子

乜野password都無用,以而家一般家用intel core 2既速度,兩日內12位既password即死.一個星期內幾乎無乜password唔爆.


http://www.mydigitallife.info/20 ... on-with-fairuse4wm/


回復 1# 沙文 的帖子


http://www.microsoft.com/windows ... os/drm/default.mspx


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