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回復 2# Jom 的帖子

啲英國佬奸滑,走中間路線,聖公會不受天竺帝岡管,體系上係新教,但內裡文章又不同於新教,係介乎兩者之間 -- 採用顛鼠教教義的新教
Don't know where God is but the Devil is in the details

美南浸信會增長走下坡 呼籲回歸聖經根本

2008年04月29日09時46分 (PST)       

屬於美南浸信會的LifeWay Research教會調查機構主任Ed Stetzer近日接受一教牧領袖網站MondayMorningInsight.com訪問,他表示大家一直所相信的衰退現象目前已經成為事實。根據基督教資源機構LifeWay Christian Resources上周公佈的教會年度調查報告顯示,美南浸信會中受洗數字包括2007年已經連續下降了三年。2007年的受洗數字345,941名更是自1987年以來最低的,下降率達百分之五點五。另外整體會員數字也下降至16,266,920,下跌率為0.24%。
LifeWay主席Thom S. Rainer向Baptist Press表示報告「令人沮喪」,整體會員數字現輕微下降。
http://www.gospelherald.com/temp ... ode=gen&id=9840
Don't know where God is but the Devil is in the details

New poll says almost a quarter of Canadians don't believe in any god

New poll says almost a quarter of Canadians don't believe in any god

1 day ago

TORONTO — Fewer than three-quarters of Canadians believe in a god, suggests a new Canadian Press Harris-Decima survey.

"Religion in Canada today is not a particularly divisive subject and tolerance levels for different beliefs are high," said Harris-Decima president Bruce Anderson. "This is evident in the fact that one in four people feel comfortable saying they do not believe in a god."

The poll found 72 per cent of respondents said they believed in a god, while 23 per cent said they did not believe in any god. Six per cent did not offer an opinion.

Results may not total 100 per cent because of rounding.

Polls have told a different story in the United States.

"Canada's secularism stands in clearer distinction, when compared to the cultural and political influences of religion in the United States," said Anderson. "In one Harris Interactive study in the United States, conducted in 2007, the number who said they were non-believers was only eight per cent."

Keith Howard, a United church minister and executive director of the church's Emerging Spirit program, said the results of the new survey do not represent a dramatic change from previous polls about Canadians' beliefs.

"We are past the time of people trashing God," he said. "They are now trying to find a safe place where they can nurture that spirituality."

He said a poll done for the church last year indicated Canada is a nation of believers, not belongers.

Howard said his sense is that people who believe in a god increasingly imagine a nebulous but powerful force for good, rather than the traditional concept of a deity.

Indeed, he likened the concept to that of the Force in the Star Wars movies.

A study quoted by Statistics Canada in 2006, found "adult Canadians attach a higher degree of importance to religion than religious attendance figures alone would indicate."

The study noted only one-third of adult Canadians attend religious services at least once a month.

But the study, conducted in 2002, found more than one-half engage in religious activities on their own at least on a monthly basis.

Howard said a recent survey done for the United Church rating the importance of religion in the daily lives of people around the world placed Canadians fourth, behind the United States, Mexico and Italy.

The Canadian Press Harris-Decima survey data were gathered by telephone from just over 1,000 people between May 22 and May 26.

A sample of the same size has a margin of error of 3.1 percentage points, 19 times out of 20.

The Harris-Decima poll also indicated:

-(at) Women (76 per cent) were more likely than men (67 per cent) to say they believed in a god.

-(at) Canadians over the age of 50 (82 per cent) were far more likely than those under the age of 25 (60 per cent) to say they believed in a god. More than one in three (36 per cent) of those under the age of 25 said they did not believe in any god.

-(at) English Canadians (73 per cent) were more likely than French Canadians (67 per cent) to say they believed in a god.

-(at)Belief in a god is higher in rural Canada (76 per cent) than in urban Canada (69 per cent).

http://canadianpress.google.com/ ... Xvb0Wz4QNInZPoorrIQ
Don't know where God is but the Devil is in the details

回復 9# Jennifer 的帖子

Don't know where God is but the Devil is in the details

回復 8# 抽刀斷水 的帖子


The Force可隔空移物,是很有實用價值的

但我發覺咱們香港在60年代已有人擁有the Force:

我有強烈理由認為George Lucas係偷師自「萬佛朝宗」的!
Don't know where God is but the Devil is in the details

回復 12# Jennifer 的帖子

Don't know where God is but the Devil is in the details

回復 14# Jennifer 的帖子

Don't know where God is but the Devil is in the details

回復 16# 抽刀斷水 的帖子


Don't know where God is but the Devil is in the details
原帖由 weakest 於 2008-6-3 23:03 發表
小弟看見以下經文 (和合二仙本), 未知是否與force 或萬佛朝宗有關...
Exo 14:24到了晨更的時候、邪儍瑕從雲火柱中向埃及的軍兵觀看、使埃及的軍兵混亂了。
Don't know where God is but the Devil is in the details
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