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原帖由 onlyaaaa 於 2008-3-31 21:31 發表
above all
U should know i`m a little 民族主义
but not"nationism"
and i hate WAR
my classmates(college)said should fight with TAIWAN
what i said is
”你他妈叫毛的打仗,有本事打仗了 ...
my classmates(college)said should fight with TAIWAN
what i said is
i really said .....:自閉: :自閉: :自閉:

n'ever////never the lesser////less ,
n'one////none the less , must i recognise that : ::::::::::
me seems , thou have[[subjunctive]] become more-n-more well versed with the past tense ,
evidence : ::::: thy ,,,,,said'''' as red-highlighted above

felicitations therefore , , good job , well done , go on to keep it ' on

cheers ThANK ye

[ 本帖最後由 prussianz 於 2008-4-19 09:58 編輯 ]
exChristian.info前基督徒,主力:淚儿/泪儿,WEIYAN,龙井树。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。警告 基督徒:你们一定不够他们玩
原帖由 onlyaaaa 於 2008-3-31 22:21 發表
There is a Chinese saying:  I am only hating that I am unable to turn iron ore to steel.~~
I agree,
the communist really do somethings ...
why they found they are wrong after they made the wrong decsion a long time...
i`m so tired...
U know what my 理想before the "things" happened?
live with her
have two babies

There is a saying:
, congratulations !! ,
thou hast made it !!
thou hast gotten the idea o'
when 1 should use the ````````` there is ''''''''' e.t.c. to translate the chinese meaning of ,,,,,
thy humble servant guarantees : : that would not b////be so easy for a chinese person to make it


I am only hating that I am unable to turn iron ore to steel.~~
good translation-expression !!


the communist
the communists


really do somethings ...
really have done somethings ...

mmmmmmmmm .........
thy originnals : :
grammaticcally////grammatically 1.000% right ,
semanticcally////semantically ......... would b////be self-explaning////self-explaining ,
but ,
in order to be precise , so .........


why they found they are wrong after they made the wrong decsion a long time...

why they found they were wrong after they have made the wrong decsion a long time...
after the conjunction ,,,,,after'''' ,
it is the corresponding perfect tense to b employed , in the same clause introduced by ,,after'' ]]]]]]]]]


U know what my 理想before the "things" happened?
do you know what were/////////had-been my 理想dreams before the "things" happened?
please , thy humble servant would propose that : :::::
those question-introducing particles such as : : ,,do'' or ,,does'' e.t.c. should always secure
their own [[upfront]] place in any questionning////questioning sentence ,
in order to b////be precise


live with her
to live with her ,
or ,
living with her
,,,,, live with her '''' = a command :: ,,,,, live with her !!!! '''' ,
probably being so interpretted////interpreted generally by westerners ]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]


have two babies
to have two babies
or ,
having two babies


cheers ThANK ye , sorry , :跪拜:
exChristian.info前基督徒,主力:淚儿/泪儿,WEIYAN,龙井树。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。警告 基督徒:你们一定不够他们玩
原帖由 onlyaaaa 於 2008-3-31 22:21 發表
There is a Chinese saying:  I am only hating that I am unable to turn iron ore to steel.~~
I agree,
the communist really do somethings ...
why they found they are wrong after they made the  ...

thy humble servant would like to suggest thee to write in english as much as possible ,
otherwise ,
there'd b////be n'o////no further english-article-written-by-thee left with-out////withOut////without
my review

cheers ThANK ye , thine truly , pendragon

[ 本帖最後由 prussianz 於 2008-4-24 13:00 編輯 ]
exChristian.info前基督徒,主力:淚儿/泪儿,WEIYAN,龙井树。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。警告 基督徒:你们一定不够他们玩
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