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[原創作品] 其實,基督教對人類也算是有一點貢獻的

I tend to think of it this way.

War also has its advantage: It encourage research.  It re-distribute wealth and give oportunity to the talented.

Colonization has its advantage:  It increase trade.  It makes people live better at both side.  It helps to spread technology, science and idea

German WWII aggression also has advantage:  It increase GDP, bringing the world out of its economic depression.

There is no point in talking about a choice alone.  We need to think o alernative.

Without war, we can still reserve part of government budget for research.
Without war, we can still have socialist movement and make th upward flow for the poor possible.

Without colonization, we can still have WTO and continue the trade.

Without WWII, we can still increase the spending of the government to invest in the future to bring everyone out of depression.

Without Christianity, will Budhism do the job too?  What about Confucius?  Or a bit of Humanism?  Or just secular technique?

What is the costing of Christianity compare to other options?
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