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THESE are but songs - they're not a creed
They are not meant to lift or save,
They won't appeal or intercede
For any fool or any knave;
They hold no convenant or pledge
For him who dares no foe assail:
They are the blows of my own sledge
Against the walls of my own jail.

I stand a watch at the van post
Of my own war I'm captained of;
No holy fire or pentecost
Can force on me a Saviour's love.
I fight alone and win or sink,
I need no one to make me free,
I want no Jesus Christ to think
That he could ever die for me.

If what I have I give, you can
Be sure I lay no heavenly store,
And what I take from any man
I have no thankful feeling for.
All that you worship, fear and trust
I kick into the sewer's maw
And fling my shaft and my disgust
Against your gospel and your law.

Oh, yes, I know the firing line
Outstretches far beyond my arms,
I know this muffled song of mine

-- Arturo Giovannitti


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