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回復 1# 抽刀斷水 的帖子

Eyeglasses is made by unnatural product.  If it is plastic, it is a pretrolum byproduct.

The plant he is holding disrupt and damage the environment.  It narrows the species and causes disease and extinction.

The t-shirt he is wearing is made by cotton, planted on a cotton field, which again is damaging to environment.  The cotton field narrow the species which diseases and extinction while destroying the natural balance of the soil at the field.

If he ever use a car, he is releasing greenhouse gas which damage the environment.  

The veggie he eats create the same problem as the cotton field regardless of planting medthod.  Not to mention that mot of the plant we can possibly eat today is 'geneticall modified' via thousand years of engineering by careful breeding.  (Has he ever eat a banana before?  It is humanitys master piece in genetic engineering)

I hope he refuse to use electricity too in HK.  The electricity in HK use coal and oil to powered.  If it use nuclear power, we have a problem of nuclear waste and radiation.

If he even breathes, he releases greenhouse gas.

If we need to judge environmrntalist with standard as this, all the 'real' environmentalist should be dead by now.  The only difference here is that some environmentalist claim to be 'real', other is more 'realistic'.
>If it use nuclear power, we have a problem of nuclear waste and radiation

Which is still, MUCH less severe a problem, than coal power.

回復 3# Nomad 的帖子

Certainly.  If you would have continue on with the research and have some result, we will have one problem solved, even.  

But some environmentalist will still complaint you use concrete made with 'unnatural' materials, steels with suphuric acid smoke as byproduct of refining.  (Sure, sure, we should all live in grass/cattle dung hut.)

The question is that if a woman desire to present herself decently, it is as much of a need as we need energy and food, how to do it efficiently?  

When will men understand that women need those cosmetic and dress as much as men need their computers and cars?

Disclaimer, in any case, this woman looks horrible with her cosmetic and dress.

回復 1# 抽刀斷水 的帖子

"無上"...只是factual description about her 身體condition 吧...

回復 2# dye 的帖子

支持鼓勵每位離教者 › 閹割神父 刻不容緩 ‹

回復 6# 抽刀斷水 的帖子

If the ultimate purpose is to be natural, to be enviromnetally friendly, suicide seems to be the only option.

Fortunately, envirnmentally friendly is really just a 榥子.  The motive behind it is to let people live better lives in the future.  If everyone is into alternative medicine like Chou, couple with a subsistence farming community, be prepare for massive epidemic, famine, leading eventually to war and death.  

Question of the day:  You think the cotton that made his shirt is naturally white?  How do you think they make it white?
Ok let's make it straight.

NO being environmental friendly does NOT mean suicide is the only option (trust me, it's really tempting to me). If all we need is a biologically friendly earth with ecological diversity booming everywhere where human is NOT shitting on, simple. Reducing sulfur/carbon/unburnt fuel..(you name it) emission, will suffice. And half of them comes from the fact that we keep burning this low tech, no brainer, hard to drill, smelly, dirty stuff called fossil fuel that is very geographically confined (therefore war-leading, well, that's one of the reasons why the church-lead-politicians always pursue the petroleum strategy - so that they can fight more wars against the Muslims/Communists/Homosexuals(?)/you name it ).

But yes, "environmental protection" is so much more a  merchantise than it was a purpose. And people were "overdoing" it, actually I rather call it action without knowing what they're doing.

And now the crazy thing - people hate nuke power for the reason of "pollution" when they never went to a coal plant and take a split second to look how nasty it is - a coal plant always destroys the entire ecology around it (In HK I've seen them turning entire beaches into black and fishing lying dead everywhere. seriously, the scene still scares me.) While nuke plants basically propose no constant threads to its surroundings (and, with 3rd generation power plants which is ready-to-be-made in MIT, they will also produce Hydrogen that can replace transportation fuels), they say it's the worse pollution ever - and half of the pollution is due to the fact that for some supremely stupid reason they never reuse/recycle the nuke fuel!
And then we have GreenPeace who propose that fussion plants will "explode" just as likely as the fission plants when they know absolutely nothing about plasma physics/fission mechanism. Yea thanks for the courtesy. (in fact, fission plants don't do thermonuclear explosion EVER, because the fuel was subcritical)
(Yea and the craziest thing with GreenPeace is that they actually proposewind-and-solar-power-as-sole-power-supply seriously - they will have to turn the entire America continent into a windmill farm and still not getting enough electricity ... yea, environmental "friendly", huh. And we still hadn't count that stupid Biofuel which IS GOD DANG PETROLEUM FUEL.)





原帖由 Guest from 222.211.99.x 於 2008-5-25 19:30 發表
看别人不完美,就等于自己不完美,请多看别人的优点,前几天联合国在韩国召开关于地球危机的会议,还专门邀请清海无上师并回答很多提问,此次会议长达2小时左右,你以为联合国的人都是傻子吗? ...

>>>>>>>>> 看别人不完美,就等于自己不完美, 请多看别人的优点

agree 100.000%

exChristian.info前基督徒,主力:淚儿/泪儿,WEIYAN,龙井树。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。警告 基督徒:你们一定不够他们玩


原帖由 菩提草 於 2008-5-25 20:23 發表




ThANKs 4////for response

exChristian.info前基督徒,主力:淚儿/泪儿,WEIYAN,龙井树。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。警告 基督徒:你们一定不够他们玩

回復 13# 菩提草 的帖子


原帖由 口琴王 於 2008-5-25 20:29 發表


o yes , i have forgotten to greet u + 菩提草 哥哥 with ,,,,,阿弥陀佛!'''' , sorry

阿弥陀佛!he he

exChristian.info前基督徒,主力:淚儿/泪儿,WEIYAN,龙井树。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。警告 基督徒:你们一定不够他们玩


宗教詐騙比一班詐騙亙可怕 因為只要騙了他的人 那人所有的都歸她了
我是清海教派之受害者  希望能與其他受害者一起揭露其劣跡

回復 17# 的帖子

支持鼓勵每位離教者 › 閹割神父 刻不容緩 ‹
原帖由 kkkk_kkkk 於 2008-11-17 19:26 發表


sorry , ThANK ye

exChristian.info前基督徒,主力:淚儿/泪儿,WEIYAN,龙井树。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。警告 基督徒:你们一定不够他们玩
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