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[分享] 看蝙蝠俠 - 黑夜之神後感

回復 13# Step.King 的帖子

I also watch 赤壁 with my father.  I agree with Step King that the only thing worth the ticket is 林志玲場床戲.

The remaining is not only a waste of money, but also time.  I nearly felt asleep in the midst of the movie.  It is .... so damn unreal.  

Considering that it is the only movie I watch in a few month....  

回復 31# 龍井樹 的帖子

I just moved.  Did you see it?

回復 38# Nomad 的帖子

I used up all my available time in HK to watch a single movie.  You think there is a cinema here in the middle of nowhere?  I will need to travel 2 hrs (to and fro) just to watch a movie in the nearest city!  (6 hours to watch one in HK)

I do not go in to watch 林志玲 in the first place, but it is the only thing 'watchable' of the whole movie.

赤壁之戰小乔47-(223-208) = 22岁
小喬下嫁周瑜之時 為199年(source?)47-(223-199)= 13岁


33岁VS 22岁 VS13岁!

Photo of a 13-year old girl in modern nutrition and cosmetics (金允慧)

[ 本帖最後由 dye 於 2008-8-7 09:05 編輯 ]
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