Hi everyone,
I'm from overseas and stumbles upon your website while doing searches on fundamentalism in HK and China. I was borne and raised in HK and came to Canada many years ago, I speak/write cantonese/chinese but cannot type them fast enough on my computer, so I'm very very sorry that I have to write in english.
I became a christian many years ago when I finished my education here, I left the church after some intense disillusionment several years later. The chinese churches here in Canada and US are just as harmful and deluded as in HK, the people in these churches are no different, that's just the nature of the religion.
There are some very excellent resources I find very useful and like others to know on recovering from religion. They are as follows:
Books (you can look at and buy these books at Amazon.com)
1. Leaving The Fold by Dr. Marlene Winell
A psychologist and an ex-christian brought up by missionary parents tells you her story of recovery. As a psychologist she tells you what had happened to you, what's wrong with the religion and how to recover from it. The author is now helping others to recover from harmful religion, her own website is http://marlenewinell.net/, very good book.
2. The Dark Side by Dr. Valerie Tarico
Another psychologist brought up by fundamentalists gives you an analysis of how the religion can harm you and many good points on the twisted beliefs of the religion.
3. Godless by Dan Barker
A former fundamentalist pastor turned atheist and is now running the Freedom From Religion Foundation, he shares his own story and many arguments to counter the christian beliefs.
4. Why I Become An Atheist by John Loftus
Another former fundamentalist pastor argues against the chistian belief from an ex-believer's standpoint. It is written for believers to re-examine their religion. Excellent book.
Websites (these sites also contain many good resources and references to recover from the religion, such as the books above)
1. www.ex-christian.net
I think this site is already listed in your site. You are not alone! This is the largest site for people leaving the religion and you can find many stories and support here. This religion does as much harm in the western world as in any other places!
2. http://www.infidels.org/
Perhaps the largest site set up by ex-believers and atheists, many of them priests, pastors, bible scholars, bible historians, philosophers, scientists. Here you'll find many testimonials by them and arguments against the religion, from a very scholarly standpoint.
There are many good resources to help people recover from this religion but just too few in chinese, I hope this'll change in the future and I commend the people setting up this site, this is good work and as more people recognise the harm this religion can do to people, more resources will spring up to help all those in need.
Lastly, for those who're recovering, I want to tell you you're heading in the right direction! With work and persistence, you WILL leave this thing and have a new life again!
Thank you and regards,
PM |