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[數據資料] 聖經中的色情



主不喜歡米甸人,所以他告訴摩西命令他的軍隊將他們全部殺光。 好吧,幾乎所有人……

就像現代尼日利亞北部的博科聖地一樣,摩西的軍隊將處女據為己有,隨心所欲——將她們變成強迫新娘、性奴隸或在黑市上出售。 有趣的是,上帝從來沒有管教過摩西,甚至沒有提到針對婦女和兒童的可怕行為。 相反,故事繼續解釋上帝如何與摩西達成協議,通過祭司以利亞撒接受戰利品。 最終,32,000 名處女被俘,並與其餘的牲畜分開——其中 16,000 名女孩被分給了士兵,而主要求 32 名處女為……他自己

The Lord wasn’t a fan of the Midianites, so he told Moses to command his army to slaughter all of them. Well, almost all of them…

Much like the modern day Boko Haram in northern Nigeria, Moses’ army took the virgins for themselves, to do with as they pleased – turning them into forced brides, sex slaves, or to sell on the black market. Interestingly, God never disciplined Moses or even mentioned the horrible actions against women and children. Instead, the story goes on to explain how the Lord made a deal with Moses to receive an offering of the spoils of war through Eleazar the priest. In the end, 32,000 virgins were captured and divided with the rest of the livestock – 16,000 of the girls were given to the soldiers while the Lord demanded 32 virgins for… Himself!

賽 13:16   他 們 的 嬰 孩 、 必 在 他 們 眼 前 摔 碎 . 他 們 的 房 屋 、 必 被 搶 奪 . 他 們 的 妻 子 、 必 被 玷 污 。
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