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4 New Brunswick priests caught in sexual abuse allegations
In the latest series of pedophilia scandals plaguing New Brunswick's Catholic churches, four priests have been accused of sexual assault, including the former chaplain of the University of Moncton and Dorchester Penitentiary.

Two of the priests practised at St-Joseph Church in Shediac when the alleged abuse took place.

A lawsuit was filed against Rev. Paul Breau, the former chaplain, Rev. Yvon Arsenault and the Moncton Diocese, alleging the priests used their position of authority to engage in repeated sexual intercourse with a 13-year-old boy.

The boy was a young offender who had been ordered to do community work on church grounds, including raking leaves in the yard surrounding the St-Joseph parish. The two priests were responsible for supervising the young boy.

The abuse is alleged to have occurred over a two-year-period in the 1980s, in the residence of the priests.

The complainant, now 45, said he suffered severe damage as a result of the abuse, including depression and anxiety.

Former chaplain

Father Paul Breau occupied high-profile positions within the Moncton Diocese, including champlaincy at the University of Moncton and Dorchester Penitentiary.

Breau was still practising when the alleged accusations surfaced.

The Archbishop of Moncton, Valery Vienneau, has since removed him from his duties. In a statement, Vienneau said he was saddened by the news.

"While Father Breau had an excellent record, we will in accordance with our policy for the protection of minors and vulnerable persons suspend Father Breau from any further activities as a cleric pending the outcome of the court case," said Vienneau.  

Vienneau also said the Diocese has committed itself to stringent anti-abuse protocol, and has taken "unprecedented steps" to resolve claims of victims of sexual abuse, particularly those that came forward through the process spearheaded by former Supreme Court Judge Michel Bastarache.

The University of Moncton refused to comment on the allegations against its former chaplain, stating it does not comment on cases that are before court.Yvon Arsenault also faces a new lawsuit from another complainant, who alleges he was abused at the St-Joseph Parish when he was 12-years-old.

Arsenault faced a string of sexual abuse allegations in previous years, and was eventually removed from the church in 2013.

Moncton priest faces new sexual abuse allegations

2 Moncton priests removed amidst sex abuse allegations

He is expected at Moncton's Court of Queen's Bench on Oct. 24 to face those accusations.

Five lawsuits in three months

New accusations have also surfaced against priests in Bathurst and  Edmundston.

A lawsuit was filed against Rev. Normand Dugas of the Bathurst Diocese and two other priests who are now deceased.

The complainant alleges he was abused by the three priests in succession, starting when he was six-years-old and continuing until he turned 14.

Last month, two lawsuits were filed against former priest Rino Deschenes and the Edmundston Diocese, alleging he repeatedly abused two young boys, aged between nine and 13, when he was a priest at the Riviere-Verte Church.

According to the lawsuit, Deschenes admitted to the allegations in letters given to the victims.

Deschenes is currently in prison, after pleading guilty in 2015 to five sex-related charges, including indecency and sodomy. He was sentenced to seven and a half years in prison.
http://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/ne ... ual-abuse-1.3794096
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San Diego priest faces charges for 'having sex with a woman he was religiously advising and paying her to keep quiet about their relationship'

A California priest is facing charges for allegedly having sex with a woman he was religiously advising.

Jacob Bertrand, 32, was charged with two counts of criminal sexual conduct in the third degree for allegedly having sex with the Minnesota woman in 2010, according to a complaint obtained by NBC Los Angeles.

Bertrand, who is a priest at the Diocese of San Diego, also allegedly paid the woman to keep her from talking about their relationship.

The complaint, which was filed in the County of Dakota in Minnesota, alleges that Bertrand and the woman met in 2009 while they were studying in Rome.

After they moved back to the US, Bertrand allegedly had sex with her while she was seeking religious advice from him, NBC reported.

In 2009, the two flew to Minnesota, where they allegedly stayed with the woman's relatives.  

The complaint also claims that two sexual encounters took place on that trip, including one in her parent's basement while he was performing mass, NBC reported.

He then allegedly told the woman that what happened was 'so mystical' that no one should know about it.

http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/ ... t-relationship.html
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黑森州最高检察官纳迪娅·尼森(Nadja Niesen)今年夏季提交起诉书时表示:五名被告折磨受害者至少两个小时以上,暴力程度足以导致其死亡。
经过一系列虐待行为,受害人因胸腔及喉咙受强力挤压导致死亡。尼森表示:"所有被告无一例外均默许了受害人窒息而死的可能性。"检察机构表示,这一韩国家庭案发前六周刚刚来到法兰克福,他们计划在这里成立一家进出口贸易公司。该家庭先是在苏尔茨巴赫(Sulzbach in Taunus)租住一所民居,但稍后由于部分家庭成员怀疑这所房子里有鬼魂,所以他们又搬进了后来发生命案的酒店。

达扬/洪沙 (德新社,法新社,德国福音通讯社)
http://www.dw.com/zh/%E9%A9%B1%E ... E5%BA%AD/a-36007645
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综合媒体10月17日报道,有“制裁者”(The Punisher)封号的杜特尔特2015年12月,首度向媒体揭露童年时曾遭性侵的往事。他声称自己于1950年代晚期就读耶稣会经营的雅典耀中学(Ateneo de Davao High School)时,曾遭一名天主教神父“猥亵”。


Don't know where God is but the Devil is in the details

鐘聲太吵 西班牙小鎮擬對教堂罰款

位於馬德里(Madrid)西南方的莫斯托雷斯鎮公所今天(18日)表示,在接獲居民檢舉之後,鎮上技師前往聖母升天教堂(Our Lady of the Assumption Church)量測鐘鳴音量,發現已比鎮上規範的55分貝,高出約30分貝。


教區神父托瑞斯(Ignacio Torres)對「國家報」(El Pais)說,教堂的鐘自古至今持續在這座鎮上敲響,且通常只會在中午與傍晚彌撒前敲鐘。他表示,如果鎮公所真的罰款,他不知道教堂該如何付錢。
Don't know where God is but the Devil is in the details
回覆 684# leefeng

因為敲寺鐘運用咗剛柔並濟的道理, 敲寺鐘係用木棒嘅, 是故鐘聲較柔和

教堂鐘用clapper敲, 硬碰硬,金鐵交鳴殺氣大, 是故鐘聲刺耳

Don't know where God is but the Devil is in the details

我住東翼嘛, 仆街仲要3個鐘,送哂畀您嘞
Don't know where God is but the Devil is in the details

但係返東翼屋企, 同府上西翼嘅 neighbours, 都鍾意清靜嘛
Don't know where God is but the Devil is in the details
間祖屋係我老豆傳畀我嘅, 起得啱啱早過教堂兩個幾月
Don't know where God is but the Devil is in the details
Don't know where God is but the Devil is in the details

老家被兒賣了 老人家控牧師慫恿
Don't know where God is but the Devil is in the details
係呀,塊地喺教会隔離實畀教会陀衰個價, 平平都冇人要
Don't know where God is but the Devil is in the details

杀人后自称基督徒上诉 多伦多华裔男逃过遣返
Don't know where God is but the Devil is in the details
[2016-11-14 10:36]

據加通社報道,多倫多著名牧師Rev. Brent Hawkes被指曾在上世紀七十年代在新斯科舍家中和一名少年發生性行為。今天,一名男子在這起案件的審訊上出庭作證。
這名男子說,他在上世紀七十年代時認識這名牧師,當時他是一名學生,這名牧師是the Annapolis Valley的一名中學籃球教練。
Hawkes對因該起指控受到的非禮(indecent assault)和嚴重猥褻(gross indecency)指控不認罪。
新斯科舍公共監控服務機構(Public Prosecution Service)說,被指受害者當時為15或16歲。
Hawkes是一名很有影響力的同性戀權益人士,他曾于2011年主持過前新民主黨黨魁林森(Jack Layton)的國葬。
Don't know where God is but the Devil is in the details

變態神父逼小童「互吃香腸」 讓成人圍觀
據《美聯社》報導,其中一名受害男學生的母親指控,這兩名分別為55歲神父柯巴喬(Horacio Corbacho)和82歲神父可拉迪(Nicolas Corradi),在當地一所聽障學校內,對多名10~12歲的兒童性猥褻,並逼迫這些孩子們互相口交,她的兒子就是受害者之一,被逼著去「吃香腸」。案情也指出,這些孩子被帶到一個名為「上帝的小屋」裡面,神父們就開始對孩子們猥褻,甚至讓其他神父與職員旁觀。

http://m.appledaily.com.tw/realt ... ew/20161201/1001916
Don't know where God is but the Devil is in the details
Argentina: 2 Priests Arrested for Allegedly Abusing Children
BUENOS AIRES, Argentina — Two Roman Catholic priests have been arrested on suspicion of sexually and physically abusing at least eight children at a school for youths with hearing disabilities, Argentine authorities say.

The priests are Nicolas Corradi, 82, and Horacio Corbacho, 55. Three other men who worked at the school in northeastern Argentina were also arrested this week. The suspects have not yet commented publicly about the allegations.

The government of Mendoza province has suspended classes at the Antonio Provolo Institute, the school for children with hearing impairment. It has also banned faculty and staff from having any contact with students.

The Mendoza archbishop's office expressed solidarity with the victims and said it is cooperating with authorities.

The abuse allegations surfaced after a complaint by provincial lawmaker Daniela Garcia, who spoke to a witness through an interpreter.

"It was the first way so that other witnesses and victims could then come forward and denounce what was happening," Garcia said Wednesday.

Authorities are taking testimony from students as well as parents who suspect their children were subjected by the accused to oral sex, fondling and sexual intercourse over the past decade, Fabricio Sidoti, the investigating prosecutor told local radio.
http://www.nytimes.com/aponline/ ... e-arrests.html?_r=0
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Victim advocates: Pope told of priest arrested in Argentina

By Luis Andres Henao and Nicole Winfield | AP December 1 at 5:25 PM
BUENOS AIRES, Argentina — Advocates for clerical sex abuse victims expressed outrage Thursday that a priest accused of sexually abusing deaf children in Italy wasn’t sanctioned by the Vatican and allegedly went on to abuse children in Pope Francis’ native Argentina.

Argentine police arrested the priest, 82-year old Nicola Corradi, this week. Corradi, priest Horacio Corbacho, 55, and three other men are accused of abusing at least eight children at a school for youths with hearing disabilities in northwestern Mendoza province.

BishopAccountability.org, an online resource about clerical abuse, reported that Italian survivor groups told the Vatican in 2008 and 2014 about Corradi and others accused of molesting children at a school for the deaf in Verona.

“Words fail. It is appalling and heartbreaking that Corradi was not stopped by Pope Francis or by other Church authorities. Corradi’s presence at the school in Mendoza was no secret,” said Anne Barrett Doyle, co-director of BishopAccountability.

“Thanks to the Church’s inaction, Corradi appears to have been able to replicate exactly the grotesque situation he enjoyed in Verona - a ring of child molesters in charge of utterly defenseless children who could neither hear nor speak. If the allegations are true, the Pope must accept responsibility for the unimaginable suffering of these new victims.”

The government of Mendoza province temporarily suspended classes at Antonio Provolo Institute, the school for children with hearing impairment. It also banned faculty and staff from having any contact with students.

The abuse allegations surfaced after a complaint by provincial lawmaker Daniela Garcia, who spoke to a witness through an interpreter.

Authorities are taking testimony from students as well as parents who suspect their children were subjected by the accused to oral sex, fondling and sexual intercourse over the past decade, said Fabricio Sidoti, the investigating prosecutor.

The Mendoza archbishop’s office has expressed solidarity with the victims and said it is cooperating with authorities.

Carlos Lombardi, an attorney who specializes in canon law, has blamed church officials in Mendoza province.

Lombardi, who also advises a group of survivors of clerical sex abuse, told local TV this week that he suspects Mendoza Archbishop Carlos Maria Franzini and his predecessor, Jose Maria Arancibia, knew that Corradi had been accused of sexually abusing children in Italy. He also argued they must have been aware of the abuse that Corradi is accused of committing in Argentina.


Associated Press writer Luis Andres Henao reported this story in Buenos Aires and AP writer Nicole Winfield reported from Rome. AP writer Almudena Calatrava in Buenos Aires contributed to this report.

Copyright 2016 The Associated Press. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed.
https://www.washingtonpost.com/w ... _term=.7ec847933e7e
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Another former altar boy files sex abuse suit against a Guam priest

HAGATNA, Guam — Another former altar boy and Boy Scout has alleged he was sexually abused from 1969 to 1973 by former island priest Louis Brouillard.

The accuser said the priest was never formally disciplined by the Archdiocese of Agana or the Catholic Church, even decades after the priest told Bishop Apollinaris Baumgartner and other clergy on Guam. Baumgartner was bishop of Guam from 1945 to 1970. Brouillard was ordained a priest on Guam in 1948 and was here until 1981.

Norman J.D. Aguon, now 56, said he was between the ages of 13 and 17 when Brouillard repeatedly sexually molested and abused him.Aguon is now a resident of Milwaukie, Oregon. He lived in Malojloj during his childhood years, and served as an altar boy at the San Isidro Catholic Church in the village. Brouillard was a priest at the church and also a scoutmaster for the Guam chapter of the Boy Scouts of America.Attorney David Lujan filed the complaint on behalf of Aguon Wednesday afternoon, bringing to 11 the number of lawsuits filed so far against Guam Catholic priests and the Archdiocese of Agana. Lujan said on Thursday there will be more lawsuits filed.

The lawsuits are possible after Gov. Eddie Calvo signed a law on Sept. 23, lifting the civil statute of limitations for those accused of abusing children, as well as the institutions that supported them.

Brouillard, now 95 and living in Minnesota, has admitted to sexually abusing at least 20 minors on Guam.

The latest complaint says Brouillard would walk around naked during meetings with altar boys at the Carmelite Monastery Convent in Malojloj. It alleges that while watching movies at the convent, Brouillard squeezed next to Aguon, and started to molest and masturbate him. The complaint says Brouillard did the same with other altar boys in Aguon’s presence.

“This happened on numerous occasions,” the complaint states.

Over a four-year period, the complaint says, Brouillard sought and obtained the permission of Aguon’s parents for him to spend the night at the convent, where Brouillard sexually molested and abused him.

The complaint states Brouillard would take about a dozen boys, including Aguon, to go hiking, camping and swimming as part of Boy Scout activities. Brouillard routinely insisted Aguon and the others swim naked and, during these activities, Brouillard sexually molested and abused Aguon, the complaint says.

“Despite the prolonged and egregious sexual abuse, spanning a period of several decades, neither the Agana Archdiocese nor the Roman Catholic Church ever formally disciplined Brouillard and in fact have paid and continued to pay up through present time, sums of money to Brouillard on a regular basis, ostensibly under the guise of a retirement stipend,” the complaint states.

The complaint demands a jury trial and seeks an unspecified amount of damages for child sexual abuse, negligence, negligent supervision, negligent hiring and retention, and breach of fiduciary duty/confidential relationship.

The Archdiocese of Agana has offered prayers to all victims of clergy sexual abuse.

http://www.usatoday.com/story/ne ... oday-newstopstories
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Disgraced Ottawa priest accused of sexually assaulting yet another minor
A retired Ottawa priest, who has admitted he suffered from a powerful attraction to adolescents as a young cleric, appeared in court Friday on historical sexual assault charges.

Rev. Barry McGrory, 82, faces two counts of gross indecency and two counts of indecent assault in connection with offences alleged to have occurred in the late 1960s. The charges are based on the Criminal Code as it existed at that time.

McGrory, who now lives in Toronto, was released on a $10,000 bond and ordered not to communicate with the victim, or take work that would put him in a position of trust with anyone under the age of 16.

His case was remanded to December.

Outside court, McGrory, dressed in a blue blazer and grey pants, refused to tell reporters how he intended to plead in the case, saying: “It’s none of your business.”Ottawa police said Friday investigators are concerned there could be more potential victims out there.

The man newly alleging he was victimized by McGrory was 15 years old at the time of the alleged crimes. He lodged a complaint with Ottawa police in September — three months after the Citizen revealed the story of McGrory’s disturbing sexual misdeeds while pastor of the Holy Cross Parish in the 1970s and 80s.

Special report: Priest admits to sexual abuse for first time in Citizen interview

The new charges against McGrory stem from incidents alleged to have happened before the four sex-abuse cases described by this newspaper.

Colleen Passard, who was a young teen when she was manipulated and abused by McGrory in the mid-70s, said Friday the historic nature of the charges suggest that church officials might have prevented “lifelong trauma” had they only acted in his case.

“As I’ve said all along, the Catholic diocese has been aware since (McGrory) was a seminarian that he had psycho-sexual issues,” she said. “If they had acted it the first place, it would have saved so much pain and suffering.”

Passard said she was relieved that McGrory will finally have to face a judge. None of the allegations McGrory was charged with Friday has been proven in court.

In the late 1960s, McGrory was working at the Major Seminary of Ottawa and at the Immaculate Heart of Mary Parish on Alta Vista Drive.

In 1974, he was named pastor of the Holy Cross Parish, where he became a high-profile peace and social justice activist. He remained at the church until 1986.

Earlier this year, he admitted in an interview that he was then a sex addict and abused three young parishioners at the Holy Cross. He said then-archbishop Joseph-Aurèle Plourde knew he had sexual problems but did not send him for treatment despite his pleas.

McGrory was moved out of town, appointed president of an organization that aided remote Catholic missions in Canada.

Four years later, in 1991, McGrory was charged with sexually assaulting a 17-year-old indigenous boy. He was convicted of that crime and handed a suspended sentence and three years’ probation.

The Archdiocese of Ottawa subsequently settled out of court with two of McGrory’s victims at Holy Cross. One of them was paid $300,000 in one of the largest clergy sex-abuse settlements negotiated by the diocese. Another Ottawa victim is now suing for $1.5 million.

McGrory previously told the Citizen that, as a young priest, he suffered from a sexual disorder from which he has since been cured. “There was this terrible dark side that I had to confront — and I just didn’t handle it well,” he said at the time.

McGrory said he was healed of his sex addiction and his attraction to adolescents after “surrendering” himself to God following the humiliation of his 1991 arrest. In Toronto, he belongs to a group called Sex and Love Addicts Anonymous, which employs a 12-step program similar to that pioneered by Alcoholics Anonymous. It has helped him, he said, remain celibate for more than two decades.

Other possible victims of the priest have already contacted police. In late July, four people wrote to Ottawa police Chief Charles Bordeleau through their lawyer, Rob Talach, alleging they had been victimized by McGrory. They all volunteered evidence against him.

“I can put an officer in contact with all four of these alleged victims, or alternatively, I can direct them to contact a specific assigned officer,” Talach wrote in the letter, obtained by the Citizen. “All we require is some guidance on how to get their evidence into the hands of police.”

However, for reasons that are not yet clear, neither Talach nor any of the four were contacted by investigators.

One of those people, an Ottawa woman who has asked to remain anonymous, said she has “waited a long time” to face McGrory in court. “I’m ready to go forward,” she said Friday.

The Archdiocese of Ottawa said in a news release it was “deeply saddened” by McGrory’s arrest and would co-operate fully with any ongoing investigation. A diocesan spokesman, Deacon Gilles Ouellette, noted that McGrory’s right to present himself as a Catholic priest was removed more than 20 years ago.

McGrory remains an official member of the priesthood, however, and has never been defrocked by the Vatican.

Ottawa born and raised, McGrory holds a PhD in theology from Thomas Aquinas University in Rome.

http://ottawacitizen.com/news/lo ... ical-sexual-assault
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