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澳洲神父性侵兒童嚴重 60年逾4400人受害
02月06日(一) 11:52



「重災區」包括澳洲南部皮里港(Port Pirie)、以及維多利亞省的賽爾(Sale)與桑德赫斯特(Sandhurst)教區。不過,目前最嚴重的,還是聖約翰神兄弟(St John of God Brothers)修道會,性侵兒童的修士高達40%,委員會表示,結果令人震驚。

http://tw.on.cc/int/bkn/cnt/news ... 0206_17011_001.html
支持鼓勵每位離教者 › 閹割神父 刻不容緩 ‹
Sorry 又係我地......
牧師涉性侵虐待500男童 聖公會向受害人全國道歉

上世紀1970至80年代,加拿大聖公會(Anglican Church of Canada)旗下一名牧師涉嫌在安省北部原住民社區性侵犯逾500名原住民男童,聖公會前日宣布向受害人作出正式的全國性道歉。有原住民大酋長指責,該名孌童癖牧師如同「惡魔」,間接導致原住民社區爆發跨代自殺危機。


教會總秘書長湯普森(Michael Thompson)發表聲明,承認前牧師羅維(Ralph Rowe)事件造成「巨大和可怕的影響」,教會過去的行動為部分原住民社區帶來破壞,教會願意與原住民重啟對話,讓他們深入了解教會的責任,並會作出全國道歉。他又指教會已資助多個社區治療項目,未來數年將做更多。
根據加拿大廣播公司(CBC)報道,代表該原住民社區的Nishnawbe Aski Nation(NAN)大酋長芬德拉(Alvin Fiddler),上周四就女童自殺案召開記者會時,公開提及聖公會羅維在Wapekeka涉嫌性侵男童。
他在記者會形容羅維是「惡魔」,導致Wapekeka出現跨代自殺潮。其中一名自殺女童的叔叔費洛(Joshua Frogg),據稱同樣是性侵案的受害人之一,曾經因為這段童年經歷而酗酒,他慨嘆經歷1990年代的自殺潮後,現在又要埋葬姪女。


http://toronto.singtao.ca/148609 ... D%89/?variant=zh-hk
Don't know where God is but the Devil is in the details
與15女上床、自拍A片 色神父還仲介情人下海賣淫

義大利一名48歲神父Andrea Contin,涉嫌與15位女子有不正常性關係,並且假藉教宗做為障眼法自拍A片;更扯的是,Contin還上換妻網站仲介女子賣淫,目前全案仍在調查中。

義大利神父與15名女子上床(圖/翻攝自獨立報) ID-765199



Don't know where God is but the Devil is in the details
Gwinnett church fires pastor accused of child sex

A Gwinnett County church has fired a youth pastor jailed on child molestation, statutory rape and sexual battery charges.

Nicholas Kelley, 34, is accused of having an “inappropriate sexual relationship” with a 14-year-old girl while serving as the teen’s counselor at New Bridge Church in Lawrenceville, Gwinnett police Cpl. Deon Washington said Wednesday.

Kelley “began fostering a relationship with the child” in December 2015, and the sexual contact began this summer, police said. A Gwinnett County church has fired a youth pastor jailed on child molestation, statutory rape and sexual battery charges.

Nicholas Kelley, 34, is accused of having an “inappropriate sexual relationship” with a 14-year-old girl while serving as the teen’s counselor at New Bridge Church in Lawrenceville, Gwinnett police Cpl. Deon Washington said Wednesday.

Kelley “began fostering a relationship with the child” in December 2015, and the sexual contact began this summer, police said. Kelley and the girl met at the church, as well as various Gwinnett parks, Washington said.

The teen’s parents found out about the relationship Monday after she secretly left her house to be with Kelley, had a nervous breakdown and was admitted to the hospital, police said.

Her parents met with church staff Tuesday.

A staff member contacted police, and Kelley was arrested.

In a statement, New Bridge officials told The Atlanta Journal-Constitution that Kelley had been terminated. He faced a judge Wednesday.“Thus far, we are confident that this was an isolated incident and no other students were involved,” said the statement from Jeff Lyle, co-lead pastor at New Bridge.

“We leave the justice to the justice system,” Lyle told Channel 2 Action News. “He is out of our hands.”Police are asking people who attend New Bridge to talk to their children.

"In situations like this where a youth pastor uses his access to children and position to satisfy a sexual appetite, it is always a concern that there are unknown victims,” Washington said. “It is very disturbing that a person would use religion and counseling to exploit a child sexually.”

Anyone with information is asked to call the special victims unit at 770-513-5300.

http://www.ajc.com/news/gwinnett ... WNgmFA7syNQJWubdRL/
Don't know where God is but the Devil is in the details
阿根廷神父姦童被捕 傳教宗曾收舉報未行動
12月29日(四) 19:00
【on.cc東網專訊】 阿根廷門多薩一名天主教神父於上月底,因涉嫌在他工作的聽障兒童學校強姦學生而被捕。早前有消息指,該名神父早於2009年就捲入該校意大利分校67名學生被性侵的醜聞,但未因而受罰;兩年前更有受害者發信向教宗方濟各點名舉報他,但教廷及執法人員當時均沒採取行動。

消息指,82歲神父科拉迪(Nicola Corradi)上月與另外涉案4人一同被捕,警方於科拉迪的家中搜出3.4萬英鎊(約32萬港元)現金及一批色情雜誌。據悉,科拉迪以「遊戲」作招徠,將學生帶到校內的女性浴室大肆淫辱。警方估計未來可能接到更多有關求助。

http://hk.on.cc/int/bkn/cnt/news ... 1229_17011_001.html
Don't know where God is but the Devil is in the details
追思禮拜上說了這些事 牧師被判刑



Don't know where God is but the Devil is in the details
耶誕夜破酒戒 剛果黑人神父酒駕被逮
2016-12-26  13:47


Don't know where God is but the Devil is in the details
涉嫌咬親細路 英教堂迎聖誕驢仔要「坐監」
12月18日(日) 17:39
【on.cc東網專訊】 英國威爾斯一間教堂因臨近聖誕節,布置了耶穌基督誕生的場景,包括有兩頭驢子。不過,其中一頭早前突然咬向小孩的手臂,而要被關起來。幸好小孩並無受傷,但事後仍心有餘悸,教堂方面已就事件道歉。

34歲的母親切里亞尼(Stef Ceriani)於上周四下午12時半,帶同23個月大的兒子賴利(Riley)經過聖瑪麗教堂,看到2隻驢子。附近一名牧師對她說,驢子是不咬人的,切里亞尼於是抱起賴利讓他觸摸。豈料其中一隻驢竟張嘴咬他的手臂,賴利隨即尖叫及大哭,幸好他當時穿着厚外衣,因此並無大礙。教堂的發言人對事件感到抱歉,而涉事驢子現已被移至教堂外的臨時馬厩。
http://hk.on.cc/int/bkn/cnt/news ... 1218_17011_001.html
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Suffolk clergyman in court accused of filming young men in public toilets
19 December 2016 at 11:22am

A clergyman has appeared in court accused of filming young men in public toilets.

The Very Reverend Martin Thrower was charged with eight voyeurism offences dating back to 2014 and including six alleged incidents this year.

The 55-year-old did not enter any pleas during a brief hearing at Ipswich Magistrates' Court on Monday.

Thrower, of Church Street, Hadleigh, Suffolk, is rector of Hadleigh, Layham and Shelley.

He is alleged to have filmed a 17-year-old boy in an adjoining cubicle in public toilets at the Buttermarket shopping centre in Ipswich, the court heard.

Thrower had been arrested in Ipswich in August 2016 and was formally charged following an investigation in November.

He was bailed to appear at Ipswich Crown Court on January 17 next year.

As part of his bail conditions he must have no unsupervised contact with people under the age of 18.

Thrower was suspended from all roles by the Diocese of St Edmundsbury following his arrest.

John Howard, spokesman for the Diocese of St Edmundsbury and Ipswich, said: "Martin Thrower remains suspended from all Church roles at this time and it would be inappropriate to comment until the legal process is complete."

Thrower, dressed in a dark suit and blue tie, spoke only to confirm his details and that he understood what was said, and a group of people from the diocese observed proceedings from the public gallery.
http://www.itv.com/news/anglia/2 ... -in-public-toilets/
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Former Southlake Christian pastor pleads guilty to embezzlement

A former pastor at Southlake Christian Academy accused of stealing from the school pleaded guilty Wednesday.
Prosecutors said Wade Malloy embezzled more than half a million dollars from Southlake Christian Academy in Huntersville.Channel 9 first began investigating the embezzlement in 2014 after Southlake officials said the school's headmaster, Wayne Parker, and Pastor Malloy resigned after an internal review uncovered missing money.

Parker pleaded guilty and last month a judge sentenced him to five years in prison for embezzling $9 million from the church.Prosecutors claim that from 2000 to 2014, Malloy was using the church and school's money to pay for personal expenses like medical bills, taxes, cars, credit cards and his child's college tuition and room and board.

They also said Malloy, who helped oversee finances, would have Parker issue him checks in addition to his salary.

Malloy was the church's first pastor and helped start Southlake Presbyterian Church in 1991.

Under the plea deal, Malloy will serve five years in prison and pay a $250,000 fine.http://www.wsoctv.com/news/local/former-southlake-christian-pastor-expected-to-plead-guilty-to-embezzlement/477775955
Don't know where God is but the Devil is in the details
Pastor and son beat 12-year-old with an electrical cord as punishment for ‘rejecting faith’

Authorities in Minneapolis, MN last week arrested a pastor and his son on assault charges after a 12-year-old boy filed a criminal complaint alleging the pair beat him with a 2-by-4 inside the church, the StarTribune reports.Good News Mission Church pastor Dong Wook Kim and his 19-year old son Joo Seong Kim face two counts of assault and one count of malicious punishment of a child after police say they beat the victim with wood and an electrical cord as a form of religious discipline between Dec. 14 and 17. According to the StarTribune, the Kims felt their young victim was “misbehaving in school and had rejected his faith.” The victim told police his 4-year old sister similarly suffered abuse.After one of the beatings, the victim was taken to a hospital after a neighbor found him wanting the streets in the cold having fled the church while his assaulters were distracted. He exhibited bruising over his body, including “one of which was the approximate size of a football,” as well as large lash marks on his back.

Dong Wook Kim, the pastor, told police he beat the kid because the boy had “wanted to test god.”
https://www.rawstory.com/2016/12 ... cting-faith-police/
Don't know where God is but the Devil is in the details
Jubilee Year of Mercy at Catholic Charities

This year was no ordinary year for Catholic Charities and the Diocese of Camden. Indeed, it was no ordinary year for the Catholic Church. Pope Francis declared a Jubilee Year of Mercy which began on Dec. 8, 2015 (the Solemnity of the Immaculate Conception of the Blessed Virgin Mary) and concluded on Nov. 20, 2016 (the Solemnity of Our Lord Jesus Christ, King of the Universe). A jubilee year marks a special time for forgiveness and stands as a reminder of God’s providence and mercy. The dedication of a year for this purpose provides the faithful with a time to come back into right relationship with one another and with God.

These themes of mercy, forgiveness and solidarity are core to the mission of Catholic Charities. So it was with great joy and renewal of spirit that Catholic Charities, Diocese of Camden, embraced the pope’s call to action by bringing particular focus this year on many corporal works of mercy: sheltering the homeless, feeding the hungry, visiting the imprisoned, and clothing the naked, and welcoming the stranger.

Sheltering the Homeless

Catholic Charities, Diocese of Camden, believes that adequate housing is the first necessary step out of poverty. Without the stability of a roof over their heads, individuals are left incapable of addressing other barriers to self-sufficiency, like addiction, mental health challenges, or lack of employment. Along with providing temporary housing, Catholic Charities works resolutely with each homeless individual and accompanies him or her on the difficult path that leads to the dignity of being able to afford a place to stay.

Francis Smith, a client of Catholic Charities, went from living out of the trunk of a car in a junkyard to securing a job and finding an apartment to call his home.

“I was worried that things would never fall back into place for me,” Smith said, “but I just needed hope. And I needed a push. And Catholic Charities gave me both of those things.”

Another client, Beena O’Neil, was one day away from becoming homeless after moving to New Jersey to care for her sick sister. As a single mother of two, one of whom needed constant care due to medical conditions, Beena could barely keep her head above water. However, Catholic Charities staff was able to secure her a home, find schools for her children, and put her on a career path.

“They helped us find an apartment, and helped us with our first month’s rent and our deposit. Before we moved in, they even put furniture and kitchen supplies and beds in there for my boys,” Beena explained. “That’s God at work.”

Francis and Beena are just two of the 28,000 people in the six counties of the Camden Diocese assisted by Catholic Charities and given a fresh start through the Catholic Charities Veteran Housing services, rental assistance and housing counseling, utilities assistance, disaster response, first-time homebuyers’ savings program, and the emergency furniture warehouse.

Brian Wagner, a Catholic Charities staff member, collects cucumbers in Pedricktown during the Staff Day of Service. This was one of many events to provide healthy food to those who need it most. Almost 500 pounds of food were distributed every day during the Year of Mercy.Feeding the Hungry

Operating food pantries goes back to Catholic Charities’ earliest roots as the Catholic Aid Society in 1936, recognizing that access to healthy food is a fundamental human right and essential to upholding each person’s God-given dignity.

Six food pantries operate across the six Southern New Jersey counties that are served by Catholic Charities. In Salem County, one in seven people is food insecure. Food insecurity, or a lack of access to adequate and nutritious food, means that people must make impossible choices between paying for housing, bills or medicine, and food.

In response, Salem County’s Healthy Eating Program held several events throughout the year including fresh food drives, providing nutrition education, and conducting workshops to instruct shoppers how to make wise food-buying choices and how to get the most out of their food dollars.

In July, staff members from Catholic Charities, Diocese of Camden got to experience “gleaning” — the practice of allowing the poor to harvest the surplus produce from a farmer’s field — during their Staff Day of Mercy on July 14. Farmer Brian Porch of Porch Farms in Pedricktown had a bumper crop of cucumbers this year. As a member of Farmers Against Hunger, he contacted the organization, and a team of 20 volunteers spent the day at Porch Farms gleaning his surplus produce for distribution to the poor. Over the span of two hours, the group picked 2,600 pounds of cucumbers.

Theresa Robinson, a single mother who works three jobs to support her three children and one grandchild, spoke of her gratitude toward Catholic Charities for supporting her throughout her several battles with cancer. “I am blessed,” she said. “I am blessed and thankful for the pantries that help me feed my family.”
Visiting the Imprisoned

Catholic Charities is a mobilizer of 105 volunteers who bring Catholic ministry to the nine correctional facilities within the Diocese of Camden. Through training, support, resources, and building bridges, the agency helps to expand a Catholic presence in these institutions. Involvement in faith-based groups during incarceration has been proven to lower the rate of recidivism.

Throughout the year, Bishop Dennis Sullivan makes a visit to each of these facilities, and inmates are encouraged by his visits. Deacon Jim Hallman, the Prison Ministry Coordinator at Catholic Charities, reflected recently on the meaningful encounters between the inmates and Bishop Sullivan.

“The bishop’s visit always brings excitement to the inmates and his homilies are so personal and inspiring. These inmates are spiritually fed, and they take that same message and share it with those who were not there,” he said. “And after the bishop’s visit, there is an increase in the number of inmates in the Catholic services the following weeks. That is true evangelization.”

In addition to the bishop’s visits, Kisanna Owens, Catholic Charities’ Re-entry Program Director, works with recently-released men and women to help them get back on their feet, stay out of jail, and find employment — critical steps toward self-sufficiency. The program is funded by a grant from the Francis Fund, established in honor of the visit of Pope Francis to the U.S. in September 2015.

Clothing the Naked

Thrift stores are the most obvious of Catholic Charities’ services that address the call to “clothe the naked,” but they do more than that. In addition to providing clothing, these thrift stores provide household items and are open to clients and the general public. With three thrift stores in the diocese (Atlantic County, Cumberland County and Salem County), these stores are able to give out free clothing to the homeless each month, as well as bring in sales revenue, which is then funneled back into direct client services.

Additionally, diaper banks in all six counties address the critical need for diapers faced by so many mothers living in poverty. One particularly notable event was Catholic Charities’ diocesan-wide drive, which collected diapers, baby wipes and other items.

Catholic Charities appealed to parishes, charitable organizations and individuals to conduct diaper and baby wipe drives, and thousands of diapers were collected and distributed at a “Showers of Mercy,” held in five locations throughout the diocese on Nov. 18.

Refugee children count the tickets they won during a cup-stacking game, which they then exchanged for prizes donated by parishes, individuals and volunteers. Fifty families attended the Mother Teresa Day of Service — all of whom walked away with prizes and a closer connection to the community.Welcoming the Stranger

Catholic Charities’ work with refugees from all over the world is a part of the Catholic Church’s larger response to the call of “welcoming the stranger.”

The Catholic Charities Office of Refugee Resettlement Services helps to ease human suffering and encourage self-sufficiency for those newly arrived. It teaches the American values of independence and individuality while supporting the tradition of a strong family unit.

“On behalf of the USCCB Committee on Migration and all the bishops of the United States, we express our deepest appreciation for your hard work and tremendous dedication of your refugee program staff,” said Father Eusebio Elizondo, chairman of the USCCB Committee on Migration. “In this past fiscal year that saw an increase of 15,000 refugees admitted to the United States, your staff was able to more than meet this challenge.”

Refugee Resettlement is an intensive venture that requires specialized care to support those newly-arrived families to assimilate and participate in the bounty that America has to offer. Overcoming past trauma, culture shock, and language barriers, clients receive customized services designed to enhance their self-sufficiency in preparation for living productive, independent lives in the community.

Throughout the year, Catholic Charities and the Diocese of Camden also hosted several social events for refugees, including summer carnivals, a Halloween trick-or-treat party and pumpkin carving, and festivals in which school supplies were distributed to low-income families. These events were intended to introduce refugees to American culture and give them an opportunity to feel part of the community and the country as they continue to assimilate.

In September, Catholic Charities and the diocese honored Mother Teresa’s recent canonization with a day of service, which included a festival for over 50 refugee families. Catholic Charities on Haddon Avenue, Camden, opened its facilities to host dozens of refugee families, turning the parking lot into a carnival filled with games, face painting, pets, food, prizes and dozens of eager volunteers.

The Jubilee of Mercy may have ended but, as Pope Francis has said, mercy continues. “Mercy is the very foundation of the church’s life,” he said. “Nothing in her preaching and in her witness to the world can be lacking in mercy.”
Anglican priest from Secret Harbour church charged with child sex abuse
The priest, 64, has been accused of sexually assaulting the girl between August 2010 and November 2011 while working at a church in Secret Harbour, north of Mandurah.

The child was 10 when the abuse allegedly began.

The man has been charged with three counts of indecent dealing with a child under 13 and one count of persistent sexual contact with a child under 16.

He is due to appear in the Rockingham Magistrates Court.

Police said the charges resulted from an investigation into alleged historical child sexual offences.
http://www.abc.net.au/news/2016- ... busing-girl/8114876
Don't know where God is but the Devil is in the details
Priests arrested in child sex abuse scandal in Mendoza province

Two priests and three employees of an institute for children with hearing problems were arrested in Lujan de Cuyo in Mendoza province this week, on accusations that they sexually abused at least 60 children.
The suspects, 82-year-old priest Nicolás Corradi and 55-year-old priest Horacio Corbacho, along with employee José Luis Ojeda, and two others are accused of carrying out shocking abuse and raping students for years.
“The children say that they were taken to a place in the institute called the “House of God”, and the victims would see what would happen behind the door ... they saw the priests engage in oral sex, and other sexual acts” said prosecutor Fabricio Sidoti.
The prosecutor highlighted that the children were between 10 and 12 years old, and alleged that at the time of the abuse they still didn’t know how to use sign language, or know how to communicate fully. The investigation, which has shocked the province, exploded after Radical senator Daniela García was told about the sex abuse by a member of the Mendoza Movement for Deaf People, who is now a witness.
None of the three suspects being held in custody were reported to have resisted arrest. It later emerged that Corradi, the elder priest accused of sex abuse, is also wanted in another case presented by sex abuse victims in Washington DC in 2015. The 82-year-old priest is accused of sexually abusing deaf children, dating back to 1955 in Verona, Italy. “We were consulted from Italy if this priest resided in Argentina. This happened two years ago. In 2009, more than 50 priests who belonged to the Próvolo institute in Verona were denounced for sexual abuse that occurred between the 1950s and 1980s,” said Carlos Lombardi, the lawyer for a group of survivors of clerical sex abuse.
The lawyer said that what happened didn’t surprise him.
“Everything the Church does is covered up, hidden, the Church hides everything,” said Lombardi to the UNO newspaper.
It is believed that the priests were sent to the Próvolo Institute’s headquarters in Mendoza and La Plata, under an internal “pact of silence” inside the Church.
Following the scandal, Mendoza Governor Alfredo Cornejo’s administration asked the Archdiocese of Mendoza province to provide a list of all the priests in the Mendoza, so they can continue investigating whether more could have been possibly involved in the sex abuse of minors.
http://www.buenosairesherald.com ... in-mendoza-province
Don't know where God is but the Devil is in the details
Catholic Priest is sentenced to double life in prison for rape of minor girl

Criminals are to be found in all walks of life. A case has now emerged from among the Christian Catholic community where a Catholic priest repeatedly raped a young girl. The rapes took place from 2015 in the Indian state of Kerala. The girl complained to her mother, who immediately went to the police. An investigation was done and the priest was arrested for rape. He was charged under the Protection of Children from sexual offenses act ( POCSO). It appears that after a sermon the priest would lure the minor girl to his chamber for the gratification of his lust. The news is reported by NDTV in its evening broadcast.
http://us.blastingnews.com/news/ ... girl-001317071.html
Don't know where God is but the Devil is in the details
Records: Catholic priest crashed vehicle before DWI arrest

Weslaco police arrested a Catholic priest Sunday night after he crashed his vehicle and failed a sobriety test, according to a criminal complaint.
At about 11 p.m., officers responded to a one-vehicle accident at 600 S. Texas Boulevard.
When police arrived, Carlos Zuniga, 51, was found in the front seat of his grey 2015 Land Rover, according to the criminal complaint. Zuniga is a priest at St. Pius X Catholic Church, according to the church website.Zuniga had unsteady balance, blood shot eyes, a strong odor of alcohol on his breath, and his speech was slurred, according to the criminal complaint.
Police conducted a field sobriety test in which Zuniga failed, according to the criminal complaint.
Zuniga was arrested and charged with driving while intoxicated, a Class B misdemeanor. A judge handed him a $5,000 personal recognizance bond.
http://valleycentral.com/news/lo ... e-before-dwi-arrest
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2015-05-15 《当代道教》



约瑟夫·亨利·玛丽·德普雷马雷(Joseph Henri Marie de prémare,1666—1735年),中国名马若瑟,1698年随白晋来华,在江西传教25年。1724年迫于雍正禁令退居广州,1773年迁居澳门。



让·弗朗索瓦·富凯(Jean Francoise Foucquet,1663—1740年),中国名傅圣泽,字方济。1699年来华,竭力在中国早期著作中寻找基督教的证据。1720年回欧后,发表了一个大事年表。



让·约瑟夫·玛丽·阿米奥(Jean Joseph Marie Amiot,1718—1793年),汉学家。中国名钱德明,字若瑟。1750年奉派来华,先到澳门,然后转赴北京。因通晓满、汉语文,深获乾隆帝信任,赐氏职,居北京42年,从事学术研究。

他介绍许多中国情况给西方,其著作大都见于1776—l814年出版的16卷丛书《北京传教士关于中国历史、科学、艺术、风俗、习惯录》(Mémoires concernant l’Histoire,Les Sciences,Les Arts,Les Moeurs,Les Usages,etc。des Chinois:Par Les Missionnaires de Pekin)中。



莱奥·维厄热(Léon Wieger,1856—1933年),汉学家,中国名戴遂良。1881年来华,在直隶东南耶稣会任教职,大部分时间在献县。开始为医师,后致力于汉学。

他留下了30册几乎各方面都有触及的著作,如:《中国现代民俗》(Folklore Chinois Modeme)(1909年)、《现代中国》(Chine Mordeme,十册,1921—1932年)、《中国宗教信仰及哲学观点通史》(Histoire des croyances religieuses et opinions philosophiques en Chine depuis l’origine jusqu’a nos jours,1917年初版,1922年和1927年在献县出了第二、三版,同年出了英译本,1969年在纽约重版,1976年再译成英文本,译名为《道教:中国的哲学》)。

1911年出版了两卷本《道教》(Taoisme):第一卷:《总目录》,包括(1)《道藏》,(2)官修引得和私修引得。书中还有《号数推算表》和《道藏分类表》,20世纪30年代哈佛燕京学社所编《道藏子母引得》就参考过这部著作。1913年在献县出第二卷:《道教的天师》(Les Pères du système Taoisme),共分三部分:(1)老子,(2)《列子》,(3)《庄子》。

Don't know where God is but the Devil is in the details
Former chaplain claims ‘revenge’ behind girl’s sex assault allegations

A former priest being sued in the High Court for alleged sexual assault and abuse of a teenager in a school where he was chaplain told a school disciplinary hearing “revenge for not going with her” was the motivation behind the claims.
At that hearing in 2012, the man, who left the priesthood some years ago, denied any sexual activity took place at the girl’s home when her parents were away; when she was babysitting for a neighbour, in the chaplain’s office, the oratory or his car.
He also told the hearing he at one stage pleaded with the girl to stop and and rejected her by telling her to “f*** off”. “I wanted to get out from under her clutches,” he said.
In her High Court proceedings, the now 28-year old woman alleges that between 2004 and 2007 she was repeatedly physically and sexually assaulted, falsely imprisoned and sexually abused, and subjected to sexualised behaviour by the then Catholic chaplain, who was also a teacher in her secondary school.
Aggravated damages
She has sued the man for damages, including aggravated damages. She has also sued the school and the local bishop, who have also denied liability.
The school contends it is not vicariously liable for any alleged actions of the priest and contends the diocesan bishop is liable.
Among her claims is that, during a school trip to Gambia when she was aged 16, the chaplain invited her and another student to sleep in his bed with him. The three of them spent the night together in his bed, she has claimed.
The then priest was very attentive to her on the trip and afterwards sent her private text messages which became increasingly personal and sexual in nature, she claims.
She alleges he bought a mobile phone for the specific purpose of texting her and allegedly advised her they would wait until she was 17 before they could take the relationship further.

She claims, a few days after she turned 17, he brought her and some friends to the cinema and kissed her when he took her home.
The court was told the woman first made her allegations in 2011 and a disciplinary hearing at the school was held in October 2012.
In a transcript of that read to the court, the man told the hearing the motivation behind the allegations was “revenge for not going with her”.
He said: “I see obsession all over this.”
Gambia allegations
Referring to the Gambia allegations, he said about 15 students were picked to go on the school trip. He said he let students use the shower attached to his room but that was in the context of returning after a day and being covered in red dirt and had “nothing to do with anything of a sexual nature”.
Addressing the allegation the girl and another student were in his bed with him once in Gambia, he said he woke up and saw somebody beside him and he jumped out of the bed, opened the door and asked them to leave. At no point were they there at his invitation, he said.
He also said he had brought students on about 40 trips and nothing like that happened before. He said he never had sex with the girl or any other student and denied he told the plaintiff he once went to the Phoenix Park and had sex with a woman in a car.
“I have only been in the Phoenix Park three times at the zoo, the papal Mass and running a marathon,” the transcript read.
The case before Mr Justice Robert Eagar continues on Friday.
http://www.irishtimes.com/news/c ... legations-1.2889810
Don't know where God is but the Devil is in the details
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