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Why God can't be found?

本帖最後由 beebeechan 於 2010/7/6 03:26 編輯
No it does not.

It is NOT the contend itself.  It is the reliability of the report itself in questi ...
dye 發表於 2010/7/6 01:47

OK...then try me.
How is the bible not reliable? In what ways?
I have the GREATEST interest in knowing.

你少一點搖旗吶喊, 多點實實在在的比試辯論哩.
No it does not.
I think others will agree the point except you, who has no interest in knowing.

dye 發表於 2010/7/6 01:47

Don't think!
If they agree with you , they will post and support you.
Show me your arguments.....right now!!
回復  beebeechan

I , 沙文, hereby post and support Dye.
沙文 發表於 2010/7/6 05:09

Let see what Dye will give us.
I am under no obligation to show you.
Your attitude is telling me you are not interested.
dye 發表於 2010/7/6 09:48

Then 沙文 will have NOTHING to support.
本帖最後由 beebeechan 於 2010/7/6 11:04 編輯
We both know.  We are not obliged to told you what we know.
dye 發表於 2010/7/6 10:17

I wonder why are you here?
唔緊要, 你放屁也有人十卜
想詢問一下, 聖經中的那幾段提到你所述的情況?
還有, 除了聖經中的單一論述, 有沒有其他文獻記載(例如羅 ...
E72 發表於 2010/7/12 17:56

你說的那段 "那為甚麼這班貪生怕死的謂門徒, 在幾十日後卻變得膽粗粗, 唔怕死, 公然在聖殿講耶穌呢?" 在那章那節?

E72 發表於 2010/7/17 16:13

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