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I can't emphasis enough.  Please learn what is evolution before arguing about it.

I list some of the misconception you have below:


Misconception: “Evolution is a theory about the origin of life.”
Response: Evolutionary theory deals mainly with how life changed after its origin. Science does try to investigate how life started (e.g., whether or not it happened near a deep-sea vent, which organic molecules came first, etc.), but these considerations are not the central focus of evolutionary theory. Regardless of how life started, afterwards it branched and diversified, and most studies of evolution are focused on those processes.

Misconception: “Evolution means that life changed ‘by chance.’ ”
Response: Chance is certainly a factor in evolution, but there are also non-random evolutionary mechanisms. Random mutation is the ultimate source of genetic variation, however natural selection, the process by which some variants survive and others do not, is not random.

For example, some aquatic animals are more likely to survive and reproduce if they can move quickly through water. Speed helps them to capture prey and escape danger. Animals such as sharks, tuna, dolphins and ichthyosaurs have evolved streamlined body shapes that allow them to swim fast. As they evolved, individuals with more streamlined bodies were more likely to survive and reproduce. Individuals that survive and reproduce better in their environment will have more offspring (displaying the same traits) in the next generation. That's non-random selection. To say that evolution happens “by chance” ignores half of the picture.

Misconception: “Evolution is not science because it is not observable or testable.”
Response: Evolution is observable and testable. The misconception here is that science is limited to controlled experiments that are conducted in laboratories by people in white lab coats. Actually, much of science is accomplished by gathering evidence from the real world and inferring how things work. Astronomers cannot hold stars in their hands and geologists cannot go back in time, but in both cases scientists can learn a great deal by using multiple lines of evidence to make valid and useful inferences about their objects of study. The same is true of the study of the evolutionary history of life on Earth, and as a matter of fact, many mechanisms of evolution are studied through direct experimentation as in more familiar sciences.

對什麼是科學他也有嚴重誤解。見「有誰去過46億年的過去驗證? 當時的環境如何只是科學家從地層或冰層的結構估計出來的! 這樣的驗證真是可信嗎?」


本帖最後由 dye 於 2010/8/12 12:55 編輯


只要有一點點生命,進化論便會TAKE OVER,「創造」其他所有生命(包括人類)。


Just see how funny the arguement it is

本帖最後由 dye 於 2010/8/13 22:48 編輯

I think BB chan miss the point.  Evolution explains it after the first "replicating molecule"

So, 單細胞, 一條虫 is explained by evolution already.

(And it is not random chance, please see the misconception part again)

And chance do not come into the question because we are only invited to see this one "experiment of life".  We do not know how many others are out there (if any).

BB chan is making a elementary statistical mistake.

Scientist only need to show it is possible (no matter how slim) for the molecule to form into a replicating molecule.  RNA, DNA, many molecules will do.

The real debate is exactly which molecule(s) and exactly by which method(s).
回復 40# Guest from 218.252.156.x

Evolution has not stopped.  It does have an effect of life today.

For example, disease control, pest control, environment protection, cancer treatment will all requires an understanding of evolution to be more effective.

In food production, the rejection of GE food because it has a tendency to be mono-culture also borrow lessons from evolution.
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