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本帖最後由 liberale 於 2010/12/8 23:01 編輯



If the split-brain person dies, does one (theistic) hemisphere go to heaven and the other (atheistic) go to hell?

Explanation: Split-brain is caused by the corpus callosum, a bundle of massive nerve fibres connecting the two hemispheres of the brain, being cut so the two hemispheres of the brain cannot communicate with each other. A case can be that a hemisphere believes in God (theistic) while the other does not (atheistic). Here comes the question: If the split-brain person dies, does one (theistic) hemisphere go to heaven and the other (atheistic) go to hell?

source: http://hinessight.blogs.com/church_of_the_churchless/2010/12/can-one-half-of-a-brain-achieve-salvation.html
(I love that blog, he is a true truth-seeker)

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