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回覆 99# Guest from 111.252.96.x

扶你阿麼抄花蟹,扶你阿麼撲撲框,扶你阿麼老木地,扶你阿麼生雞仔 。
本帖最後由 hellboy 於 2012/5/1 21:11 編輯
住在胡同裡的人, 在胡同長大的孩子, 卻不會迷路.
外來遊客, 不去熟識胡同, 局外人....又不懂問路, 問了路也不信人言, 當然會摸錯路

當人教你點行時, 你只懂:



hellboy 發表於 2012/4/30 22:32 [url=redirect.php?goto=findpost&pid=95056&ptid=9723][/url]

beebeechan 發表於 2012/4/30 23:41

回覆 101# Guest from 111.252.96.x

扶你阿麼抄花蟹,扶你阿麼撲撲框,扶你阿麼老木地,扶你阿麼生雞仔 。
回覆 96# beebeechan

本帖最後由 hellboy 於 2012/5/2 18:19 編輯
beebeechan 發表於 2012/5/1 22:14

本帖最後由 hellboy 於 2012/5/2 18:18 編輯

唔怕人口臭, 只怕人無腦. ...
beebeechan 發表於 2012/5/1 22:28

本帖最後由 hellboy 於 2012/5/2 22:12 編輯

你唔好同我比, 差好遠!

有人入寶山也可以空手回的. ...
beebeechan 發表於 2012/5/2 21:27

本帖最後由 hellboy 於 2012/5/2 22:16 編輯
就是因為你唔想知, 知得少, 所以你屎與寶也不懂分,
beebeechan 發表於 2012/5/2 22:10

就是因為你唔想知, 知得少, 所以你屎與寶也不懂分,

事實是世上有不少人欣賞紅酒 ...
beebeechan 發表於 2012/5/2 22:10

本帖最後由 hellboy 於 2012/5/2 22:24 編輯

你有好的懷疑精神, 卻無好的探索精神.
beebeechan 發表於 2012/5/2 22:56

乜信天主就唔使死? 無病無痛架?

調番轉頭, 你唔信天主, 就包無當黑, 父母不會亡, 無病無痛耶? ...
beebeechan 發表於 2012/5/2 22:58

老實講, 我自從唔信耶和華那隻大魔頭,並且公開地反佢之後,好似真喺好運左好多。
本帖最後由 hellboy 於 2012/5/3 18:45 編輯
你應當去問擺在面前的是紅酒, 或是一篤屎.

也可以是 ...
beebeechan 發表於 2012/5/2 23:31



出谷紀 21:17
假使你買了一個希伯來人作奴隸, ...
beebeechan 發表於 2012/5/3 22:33

本帖最後由 hellboy 於 2012/5/4 19:13 編輯

BIBLICAL Injustice


"In sorrow thou shalt bring forth children. ... Thy husband ... shall rule over thee."
God punishes Eve, and all women after her, with the pains of childbirth and subjection to men. 3:16

God likes Abel's dead animals better than Cain's fruits and vegetables. Why? Well, no reason is given, but it probably has something to do with the amount of pain, blood, and gore involved. 4:3-5

Lamech kills a man and claims that since Cain's murderer would be punished sevenfold, whoever murders him will be punished seventy-seven fold. That sounds fair. 4:23-24

"I will destroy ... both man and beast."
God is angry. He decides to destroy all humans, beasts, creeping things, fowls, and "all flesh wherein there is breath of life." He plans to drown them all. 6:7, 17

"Every living substance that I have made will I destroy."
God repeats his intention to kill "every living substance ... from off the face of the earth." But why does God kill all the innocent animals? What had they done to deserve his wrath? It seems God never gets his fill of tormenting animals. 7:4

"All flesh died that moved upon the earth."
God drowns everything that breathes air. From newborn babies to koala bears -- all creatures great and small, the Lord God drowned them all. 7:21-23

"Into your hand are they (the animals) delivered." God gave the animals to humans, and they can do whatever they please with them. This verse has been used by bible believers to justify all kinds of cruelty to animals and environmental destruction. 9:2

"Noah ... drank of the wine, and was drunken; and he was uncovered within his tent."
The "just and righteous" Noah (6:9, 7:1) plants a vineyard, gets drunk, and lies around naked in his tent. His son, Ham, happens to see his father in this condition. When Noah sobers up and hears "what his young son had done unto him" (what did he do besides look at him?), he curses not Ham, who "saw the nakedness of his father," but Ham's son, Canaan. "A servant of servants shall he [Canaan] be unto his brethren." This is a typical case of biblical justice, and is one of many Bible passages that have been used to justify slavery. 9:20-25

"I will bless them that bless thee, and curse him that curseth thee."
God will beless you if you bless Abraham and curse you if you curse Abraham. ** Abraham. 12:3

God sends a plague on the Pharaoh and his household because the Pharaoh believed Abram's lie. 12:17
God gives Abraham and his descendants all of the land of Canaan "forever". This promise is still used to justify the unending battles over the land in the Middle East. 13:14-15

Hagar conceives, making Sarai jealous. Abram tells Sarai to do to Hagar whatever she wants. "And when Sarai dealt hardly with her, she fled." 16:6

The angel tells Hagar to return and submit to her abusive owner, Sarai. 16:8-9

God gives Abraham and his descendants all of the land of Canaan "forever". This promise is still used to justify the unending battles over the land in the Middle East. 13:14-15, 17:8

God tells Abram that all males must be circumcised, even those whom Abram had bought with money. There isn't the slightest evidence in this passage, or in any other in the Bible, that the biblical God disapproves of slavery. 17:12-13, 23, 27

An uncircumcised boy is to be abandoned by his parents and community. 17:14

Abraham begs God not to kill everyone in Sodom and Gomorrah. [Which is odd, since later (Genesis 22:2-10) Abraham doesn't even question God's request that he kill his own son.] He asks God two good questions: "Wilt thou destroy the righteous with the wicked?" and "Shall not the Judge of all the earth do right?" 18:23-25

"I will not destroy it for ten's sake."
I guess God couldn't find even ten good Sodomites because he decides to kill them all in Genesis 19. Too bad Abraham didn't ask God about the children. Why not save them? If Abraham could find 10 good children, toddlers, infants, or babies, would God spare the city? Apparently not. God doesn't give a damn about children. 18:32

Lot refuses to give up his angels to the perverted mob, offering his two "virgin daughters" instead. He tells the bunch of angel rapers to "do unto them [his daughters] as is good in your eyes." This is the same man that is called "just" and "righteous" in 2 Peter 2:7-8. 19:8

Lot lied about his daughters being "virgins" in 19:8. But it was a "just and righteous" lie, intended to make them more attractive to the sex-crazed mob. 19:14
本帖最後由 hellboy 於 2012/5/4 19:17 編輯
beebeechan 發表於 2012/5/4 19:10

你估左貼右貼幾句經文就改變到我哩咩?用你個豬腦諗吓都知無可能啦。人地ANNTOATED SKEPTIC BIBLE幾萬經文,你點同我鬥呀?
beebeechan 發表於 2012/5/4 19:16

God kills everyone (men, women, children, infants, newborns) in Sodom and Gomorrah by raining "fire and brimstone from the Lord out of heaven." Well, almost everyone -- he spares the "just and righteous" Lot and his family.19:24

Lot's nameless wife looks back, and God turns her into a pillar of salt. 19:26

God gets angry with king Abimelech, though the king hasn't even touched Sarah. He says to the king, "Behold, thou art but a dead man," and threatens to kill him and all of his people. To compensate for the crime he never committed, Abimelech gives Abraham sheep, oxen, slaves, silver, and land. Finally, after Abraham "prayed unto God," God lifts his punishment to Abimelech, "for the Lord had fast closed up all the wombs of the house of Abimelech, because of Sarah." 20:3-18

God "closed all the wombs" because Abimelech believed Abe's lie. 20:18

Sarah, after giving birth to Isaac, gets angry again at Hagar (see Gen.16:5-6) and tells Abraham to 'cast out this bondwoman and her son." God commands Abraham to "hearken unto her voice." So Abraham abandons Hagar and Ishmael, casting them out into the wilderness to die. 21:10-14

After the water ran out, Hagar left Ishmael alone to die. But God heard the infant crying, so he had an angel cry to Hagar from heaven, telling her not to worry. God heard the child's cry and opened Hagar's eyes so she could see a well, filled with water. God said he'd make Ishmael a great nation, and the child became an archer. 21:14-20

God orders Abraham to kill Isaac as a burnt offering. Abraham shows his love for God by his willingness to murder his son. But finally, just before Isaac's throat is slit, God provides a goat to kill instead. 22:2-13

Abraham shows his willingness to kill his son for God. Only an evil God would ask a father to do that; only a bad father would be willing to do it. 22:10

"Because thou hast done this thing, and hast not withheld thy son, thine only son."
Why did God love Abraham so much? Because he was willing to murder his son for him. (Greater evil hath no man than this, that he is willing to kill his own son for God.) 22:16

God blessed Abraham by giving him lots of slaves. 24:35
Isaac loved Esau because Esau was a hunter and Isaac loved venison. Rebekah loved Jacob, but God hated Esau (see Romans 9:13). No reason is given for why one son is loved while the other is hated. But since God chose to act this way, it must have been as an example for parents to follow. Have you decided which of your children to hate? 25:28

God blessed Isaac (like his father Abraham before him) with many slaves. 26:12-14

Jacob, with coaching from his mother, obtains Isaac's blessing by lying. God seems to have been fooled as well. 27:19

Jacob offers to work for seven years to pay for Rachel. As it turns out, he is tricked into having sex with her sister, Leah, instead, so he has to work for another seven years so in order to pay for them both. 29:18-30

As part of the deal with Jacob, Zilpah and Bilhah (Laban's slaves) are handed over to Leah and Rachel. 29:24, 29

Laban gives Rachel and Bilhah to Jacob. 29:28

Dinah, the daughter of Jacob, is "defiled" by a man who seems to love her dearly. Her brothers trick all of the men of the town and kill them (after first having them all circumcised), and then take their wives and children captive. 34:1-31

"The terror of God was upon the cities that were round about them." 35:5

"And Er, Judah's firstborn, was wicked in the sight of the Lord; and the Lord slew him." What did Er do to elicit God's wrath? The Bible doesn't say. Maybe he picked up some sticks on Saturday. 38:7

After God killed Er, Judah tells Onan to "go in unto they brother's wife." But "Onan knew that the seed should not be his; and ... when he went in unto his brother's wife ... he spilled it on the ground.... And the thing which he did displeased the Lord; wherefore he slew him also." This lovely Bible story is seldom read in Sunday School, but it is the basis of many Christian doctrines, including the condemnation of both masturbation and birth control. 38:8-10
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