皮卡丘:神奇寶貝 的背後真相
一些英國組織和美國的牧師認為神奇寶貝牽涉到靈界,即是含有"邪"的成分,當英國發行了Pokemon Yellow之后,突然出現了普遍的批評,而其始作俑者就是基督教徒們首先的口耳相傳,他們認為神奇寶貝等同于惡魔的原因是:
* 神奇寶貝就是惡魔,他們被捕捉后就必須服從命令。
* 為了控制很多神奇寶貝,有魔力的護身符(talismans,指會館徽章)是必要的。
* 有魔力的石頭可以讓特定的神奇寶貝進化。
* 神奇寶貝進化(Pokemon evolve)。進化(evolution)在字面上並不包括于創造宇宙說(creationism),因此神奇寶貝違背了聖經的一些描述。盡管這個詞有可能來自于達爾文的學說產生之前的意義,也就是說:隨著時間的改變而改變。
* 很多神奇寶貝擁有超常的或是精神的力量,而這些力量並非來源于上帝,根據一些基督教的說法[來源請求],這些力量一定來源于撒旦[1]。
* 很多神奇寶貝是亞洲神秘觀念的具象化。比如一些功夫,一些基督教組織認為那是通向魔的門路。其游戲世界也充滿了亞洲傳統基本概念的體現。[來源請求]
* 一些神奇寶貝長得像女巫或是魔鬼。
* 神奇寶貝含有幽靈成分,遺反聖經所說的"不可與鬼相交"
* 神奇寶貝含有念力(Psychic)成分,此種能力被信相是源自撒旦。根據美國先知Cindy Jacobs所寫的"Deliver Us From Evil"(暫譯"救我們脫離凶惡"),神奇寶貝中的念力並不是幻想,而是和和邪教的念力吻合。
* 部分招數含有詛咒的成分。
當然,當英文Pok Rap唱響的時候,其歌詞在倒帶(play backwards)時,"gotta catch 'em all"會變成"I love Satan"或"oh Satan"。這是那些基督教徒和基督教組織認為神奇寶貝在下意識中支持撒旦。
Pokemon, (pronounced POH-kaymahn), is short for pocket demons. The Devil loving phenomenon began in Japan over 20 years ago. A young boy summoned an evil demon to kill his entire family because they wouldn't buy him a stick of chewing gum at the supermarket. The demon came, and brought with it, other pokemons who jumped into the parents mouths while they were sleeping, and lodged themselves in their tracheas, suffocating an entire family, and setting the boy free to steal their money and buy gum.
"The whole idea behind Pokemon is to show a child that they can become a "powerful evil force, and they don't have to listen to their parents.'' Landover occult expert, Jonathan Edwards said. "Kids look for different Pokemon demons, find them and utilize their specific powers to create chaos in the home. It can be extremely violent, and the liberal media does not want anyone to know how many families have been torn apart since this menace began. The ultimate goal for a child is to collect them, and once they've collected all of them, they can have anything they wish for. In most cases, the child wishes for complete control over his entire family. The pokemons approach in the still of night, entering the parents mouths and lodging themselves in their tracheas until they suffocate. They then scurry off quietly and return to their masters bed. When authorities arrive, they are shocked to see no evidence of foul play. They observe only a smiling child, fast asleep, surrounded by stuffed animals and 'innocent little' Pokemons."
Deacon Fred, one of 37 co-pastors of the 125,000-member, fundamentalist-baptist church, said that his "antenna went up" over a year ago. While driving with his kids, he heard them in the back seat talking about "Abra'' and "Cadabra,'' "A chill went down my spine, and a trickle of perspiration dribbled slowly down to the small of my back!" He pulled the car over, took the Pokemon action figures from his children, placed them on the road, got back into the car and backed over them "100 times, until there was nothing left but shards of plastic." The teary eyed children watched from the roadside.
Pastor Deacon Fred said that he doesn't see why more unsaved folks don't see the Devil's hand in this. "Three of the Pokeman characters sprouts horns!" Another concern, he said, is that children exploring a Pokemon Web site can click to other games, including "Magic: the Gathering,'' a Satanic game similar to Dungeons and Dragons.
"It's got fancy sugar coating on it, but, underneath, it's Hell's poison,'' Pastor Deacon Fred said.
http://www.cephas-library.com/sa ... okemon_booklet.html
http://walkingintruth.blogspot.c ... behind-pokemon.html
"Recently the Lord told me to get rid of my 3 generation old game called MAH-JHONNG... This game has tiles made of ivory and bamboo or bakelite, that are hand carved in China and are demonized. My children said they felt like something was watching them or following them up the steps when they were in the basement, and I continued to bind and deal with a HUGE spirit of FEAR when I tried to pray in this same environment. The Lord exposed this DEMON and told me to get rid of MAH-JHONNG. I researched the game on the Internet and found through the "International League of Mah-Jhonng" in New York, that the spiritual aspect of this game is designed to WORSHIP BUDDHA! There are actually BUDDHA discs that accompany some of these games, mine didn't. PRAISE GOD for HOUSECLEANING! I burned the game in an All-Church EPHESUS burning."
http://blog.xuite.net/snoopyyang ... C%E7%9C%9F%E7%9B%B8 |