本帖最後由 Nomad 於 2010/10/18 15:02 編輯
One thing however, is that it does strike me as outdated as some Evangelicals STILL believes that people are really out for the candy and Halloween is STILL necessary about dressing up as "scary things" - zombies, vampires, whatsoever they are. As for most parts of the world, including HK for a while, people does all sorts of things from "real" Halloween characters to Animation cosplays to just, fancy clothes that possibly shows their body shape (particularly for girls) or the like.
Even "traditional" Halloween characters, it's like, how "dark" or how "spiritual" are they? To say the least, I never knew any historical portrait of a witch with mini-skirts and short sleeve shirts - That said, I did played Gandolf one year here in Madison when I was a grader for the Math classes, and except the "YOU CANNOT PASS" sign I carried, he has a pretty "realistic" wizard look... |