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原帖由 M2 於 2008-2-21 16:36 發表

而家世界既共識(so to speak)係反對更改國界,但現時既國界咪係靠前人打生打死爭番黎。點解以前既人野蠻(以現代人既眼光)搶番黎既地方,而家就變左神聖不可侵犯既領土?如果支持維持現有國界,係未等於endorse以前既野蠻行為?

i endorse u here ;--^)
原帖由 dye 於 2008-2-21 16:34 發表
It is a genocide

Joshua 10
40 So Joshua subdued the whole region, including the hill country, the Negev, the western foothills and the mountain slopes, together with all their kings. He left no survi ...

>>>> Oh, do you need to murder the kids, and the elderly?
>>>> Good old Joshua murdered these fellow even AFTER their army is subdued.

O yes , completly completely in 'the agree ,
+ ,
do you also need to murder those 100.000.000% innocent cattle, sheep and donkeys.

that must have been done by 'the non-devils-like devils ------>>>> Joshua + his men
that must have been done by 'the devils-not-called-as-devils ------>>>> Joshua + his men
that must have been done by 'the devils-hailed-as-goodmen-etc  ------>>>> Joshua + his men

原帖由 dye 發表

Situation in city God wanted to conquer [[[[[[[[[ : : ]]]]]]]]]

Joshua 6
20 When the trumpets sounded, the people shouted, and at the sound ofthe trumpet, when the people gave a loud shout, the wall collapsed; soevery man charged straight in, and they took the city. 21 They devotedthe city to the LORD and destroyed with the sword every living thing init—men and women, young and old, cattle, sheep and donkeys.
原帖由 Nomad 於 2008-2-21 15:40 發表

...難怪那些同樣相信從來就沒甚麼救世主的佛教僧人,還有新儒家的可憐傢伙,會在短短二十年間被基督徒們灌以各種不知所謂的罪名了。 ...

sorry , i'm too fresh here ,

if u guys have some time , could any 1 please show me some examples here-about ??

cheers ThANKye
原帖由 Nomad 於 2008-2-21 12:25 發表
>1. 當時基督教係國教, 大部份人都係"名義"的教徒~

他們還真可憐哪 - 當年就是超越眾道德的英雄

此外,不 ...

>>>> 你還是先公佈一下今天殺人股行程再說吧

sorry , My Dear Sir Nomad , couldest thou shed some light up on what's `````殺人股行程'''' ??

cheers ThANKye , pendragon
原帖由 Paul_Bard 於 2008-2-21 11:25 發表
To 小妹 : M2和我是這裡少數基督徒~

To M2 : 很少這麼齊人, 來揍揍熱鬧先~

少數 ......... o yes , really , too 少 ,

hi high welcome ,
很少 seeing u , My Dear Sir Paul , nice 2 c u again , cheers

[ 本帖最後由 prussianz 於 2008-2-22 04:47 編輯 ]

回復 177# 的帖子

"  Therefore, for a normal person, how could they deal with this kind of "imperfect information"? Is it reasonable for them to be alert on the Christian belief?"

What I mean was that, it is reasonable for people to be alert on the Christian belief.
原帖由 M2 於 2008-2-21 00:06 發表



Don't know where God is but the Devil is in the details

殺人放火金腰帶 這名句真係冇講錯
>There are Christians who "use" their beliefs as reasons to kill, and there are Christians who "use" their beliefs as reasons to save.  Are u going to condemn the beliefs or the persons doing the bad things?

很明顯地又是沒讀過Milgram's Experiment,和納粹/日軍和普通平民的關係的又一個人。
>Unfortunately, in now, no people could really distinguish the "real" Christian from "unreal" group. Someone may speak some devil, even he/she is from church, and use the "word of God" to justify killing actions. For Christian, God could judge, but, how about the way that people could follow AT THIS TIME? After all, people's choice of actions would mostly be an immediate choice and not much time is allowed for people to consider, and therefore, it would be too late for people to wait for the "final judgement" of God.

>  Therefore, for a normal person, how could they deal with this kind of "imperfect information"? Is it reasonable for them to be alert on the Christian belief?



回復 166# Paul_Bard 的帖子

Unfortunately, in now, no people could really distinguish the "real" Christian from "unreal" group. Someone may speak some devil, even he/she is from church, and use the "word of God" to justify killing actions. For Christian, God could judge, but, how about the way that people could follow AT THIS TIME? After all, people's choice of actions would mostly be an immediate choice and not much time is allowed for people to consider, and therefore, it would be too late for people to wait for the "final judgement" of God.

  Therefore, for a normal person, how could they deal with this kind of "imperfect information"? Is it reasonable for them to be alert on the Christian belief?

By weakest
>跟著聯想... 菲律賓, 印尼...






回復 164# M2 的帖子

跟著聯想... 菲律賓, 印尼...

回復 168# M2 的帖子

Interbreed.  Interbreed.  

Land surveying help.  The land resources can be limited, but since we are not all knowing, we can find good places that is uninhabited.

Influx of tech also help.  New method of farming can increase the capacity of the land, and possibly make what used to be inhabitable land habitable.

Among the many possibility...  you need to be innovative here.

When God is on your sides, land can become fertile!

[ 本帖最後由 dye 於 2008-2-21 17:42 編輯 ]



回復 162# M2 的帖子

There are Christians who "use" their beliefs as reasons to kill, and there are Christians who "use" their beliefs as reasons to save.  Are u going to condemn the beliefs or the persons doing the bad things?

很清楚的回答, 我會記低, =P
By God's Law, do you mean the Law of Moses?

We need Sherman over here.

Sher--- man.. Sher --- man

Oh mine.  So Joshua is a false prophet.  Moses is a false prophet.. among the many.

[ 本帖最後由 dye 於 2008-2-21 17:36 編輯 ]

回復 165# Nomad 的帖子

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