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抽水, dye 兄 我知邊個追殺你地啦

kick 入討論條link到 就會見到呢個頁面

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有關參考可參閱 http://forum.hkudb.com/showthread.php?t=15282
請問用戶59.149.179.127 為何經常大幅修改頁面?? 如不認同請到此討論。--平野零 18:46 2007年十一月15日 (UTC)

[ 本帖最後由 Step.King 於 2008-1-20 13:11 編輯 ]
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對付教徒三式: 不主動、 不抗拒、 不負責!

I don't really understand...
1. Would this website just like wiki, in the sense that anyone could change the content as much as they like? (If so, it seems that both this and wiki is not so reliable in finding information...)

2. It seems that IP address doesn't mean anything, if the computer user doesn't have fixed ip...
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