2014/06/13 17:45
(華聖頓郵報) Fascinating Map Shows America's Second MostPopular Religions by State
8:00PM EDT 6/9/2014 Alex Kocman
Second most popular religions in the U.S. A recent study produced by a groupassociated with the U.S. Census yields surprising results about religion inAmerica ( Association of Statisticians of American Religious Bodies/WashingtonPost)
There's no shortage of disagreement over whether or not the U.S. is a"Christiannation." And while nominal Christians continue to dominatestatistical tallies, true biblical faith is increasingly unpopular.But ifAmerica isn't a "Christian nation," what is it?
The Association of Statisticians of American Religious Bodies, a group whichassists in the U.S. Census, recently released an interesting map showing whichreligions rank No. 2 throughout the country.
(Image credit: Association of Statisticians of American ReligiousBodies/Washington Post)
Islam ranks as the second most prevalent religion in 20 states, many of whichin the Bible belt. Judaism is the second most common faith in most of theNortheast, while towards the West, 13 states are noted for their sizeableBuddhist minorities. Hinduism is only the No. 2 religion in two states, Arizonaand Delaware.
Notably, the survey considers Mormonism a form of Christianity, failing toaccount for the religion's sizable majority in Utah over Christian sectsincluding Catholicism, Protestantism, and the like.

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