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>> 據聞馬達加斯加及內羅比等小國,
>> 都願意以人道理由,
>> 援助美國若干香焦及椰子以助其渡過難關。

o yes
原帖由 訪客得得b 於 2008-1-13 17:40 發表

戒嚴。宣報開羅會議公佈無效,國府當年非法佔領臺灣,國民黨被列為非法組織,命令立刻解散。臺灣十級大地震,股市全面崩盤。於 ...

i bet u win
原帖由 weakest 於 2008-1-18 22:27 發表
I think people in the stock market are just playing a zero-sum game (at least, in the short run). For those who earn in the stock market (in terms of real income) must gain from the loss of those play ...

>>>>>>>>> (except for the xxx MPF...)

sorry , in english abbreviations ,
,,,,,xxx'''' does usually stand4
,,,,,sex'''' or
,,,,, fu*k fu*k fu*k '''' , u'r meaning 1 of these ?? cheers ThANKye

[ 本帖最後由 prussianz 於 2008-1-18 23:37 編輯 ]
原帖由 weakest 於 2008-1-18 23:40 發表
Almost the same use as 打格仔 (to cover something should not be shown). Therefore, it's better not to say this word (or term) explicitly...
So, it is up to you to think of this "xxx", but of course, i ...

sorry 4 my mis-understanding ,
sorry ThANKye
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