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[興趣討論] 《與神對話》聽後感

>> 最近在收音機聽到以下一首歌,

which channel ?
which programme ?
which dj ?
who sang it ?

>> 我之前都知道這首歌是離教者林夕對基督教的「神」的激烈控訴,
林夕.... ,
so much more braver than my imagination ,
so much more braver than me ....
how can i b so chicken ? ....

[ 本帖最後由 prussianz 於 2008-1-5 01:46 編輯 ]
>>>> You are not chicken...

ThANKye4condolence ,

they have much more stakes on table than me , i.e.
they should have known clearly they having the large Christian audience @ that time ,
they should have known clearly their Christian audience might b offended if they do it ,
but ,
they did it
they did still have done it ,
bravo ,
brave ,
real brave ,
real more worth of me to pay them more best-respect ....
>> 暫時
>> 基督教的(歧視)勢力還很大

>> 暫時
sorry , My Dear Sir , their influence must b 4ever
big too big
原帖由 抽刀斷水 於 2008-1-7 09:45 發表


may b ,
but ,
only from too strong ----------> strong , i.e. still strong ,

what concerns me most : :::::
they'r much more cleverer than their pre-cursors ,
they now do it sweetly + softly + invisibly
they know the marketting the supermarketting ,
they know the repackaging ,
they know the rebranding ,
they know how 2 `````manage"""" tv e.t.c. , e.g. : : T.V.B. , 'the rat cant b smelled out even by exChristians hk ,
they know how 2 produce the supreme-quality's tv-programme ,
e.g. those
about Noah's Ark or
about JeruSalem .........

in hk , u know ,
they'r regarded generally by
all the general public +
all the general western media
as the re-incarnation[[representation]] of justice , e.g. : :::::
My Dear 陳日君樞機
[[[[[[[[[ i'm not gay ]]]]]]]]]
同性戀問題陳日君反對同性戀,因為同性戀有違天主教教義,並在公教報發表了一篇反對同性戀的文章,結果引來一群支持同性戀人士衝入教堂內高叫口號和抗議。他被指責在人權問題上採取雙重標準──反對獨裁和支持弱勢社群同時卻歧視同性戀者的權益。 [1] [2] [3]


>> 此外,
>> 南韓農民則發表聲明感謝陳主教的支援,
>> 並多謝陳主教給予各被捕人士一千元紅包。
>> 有韓農家屬亦在法院上對陳主教鞠躬致敬。

>> 並多謝陳主教給予各被捕人士一千元紅包。
what ????????? not bribery ?????????

.3. ..........

[ 本帖最後由 prussianz 於 2008-1-7 13:39 編輯 ]

回復 8# 的帖子

>> the famous [[Christian]]schools have established a good brand
o yes ,
indeep ,
the whole Christiannity +
the whole Christiannities , any church , 天主教 , e.t.c.
have established each of themselves as
````````` the good brand """"""""
in the course of history ,
so regarded + respected generally by ,
any general public +
buddhism +
taoism + even by
triads e.t.c.
>> 此外,
>> 南韓農民則發表聲明感謝陳主教的支援,
>> 並多謝陳主教給予各被捕人士一千元紅包。
>> 有韓農家屬亦在法院上對陳主教鞠躬致敬。

>> 並多謝陳主教給予各被捕人士一千元紅包。
>> 並多謝陳主教給予各被捕人士一千元紅包。
so ,
u c [[[[[ you see ]]]] ,
i do really have real hard evidence to support my own allegation
that : :
>>>> they'r regarded generally by
>>>> all the general public +
>>>> all the general western media
>>>> as the re-incarnation[[representation]] of justice , e.g. : :::::
>>>> My Dear 陳日君樞機

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