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Why Santa Claus is better than God
Anyone can get presents from Santa, no matter their religious beliefs, sexuality, gender, or lifestyle.
Santa does not advocate stoning anyone to death for any reason.
Pretending to be Santa gets you invited to holiday parties; pretending to be God gets you committed.
Santa rewards you before you die.
Santa has just one rule: Be nice.
If you're naughty, Santa might punish you, but you start each year with a clean slate.
Santa has never committed genocide.

賽 13:16   他 們 的 嬰 孩 、 必 在 他 們 眼 前 摔 碎 . 他 們 的 房 屋 、 必 被 搶 奪 . 他 們 的 妻 子 、 必 被 玷 污 。
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