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原帖由 dye 於 2008-2-21 17:08 發表
Oh damn.  The southern Chinese can live togather with them.  It is a large place even without God's help to build skyscrapper.

Jordan is actually discriminating against the Palestanian r ...


回復 158# 的帖子

>If one use certain beliefs as the reason to kill, the belief should be condemned.

If I use a knife to kill, would you condemn the knife?  If I use a knife to save (say as a surgeon), would you appreciate the knife?

There is no need, and not possible to differentiate real or false Christians.

There are Christians who "use" their beliefs as reasons to kill, and there are Christians who "use" their beliefs as reasons to save.  Are u going to condemn the beliefs or the persons doing the bad things?
>If I use a knife to kill, would you condemn the knife?  If I use a knife to save (say as a surgeon), would you appreciate the knife?

A Nazi firmly expel a Jew from his territory.

Would we appreciate Nazism? It's a handy "tool" for Hitler afterall!

I would rather advice stop playing a circular game ignoring previous posts.
Advice: READ.

>其次,並不是每個國界都是侵略得來的 - 尤其是那些被歐洲一眾基督徒榨乾到農地都沒有的一眾非洲可憐國度。

By the way, you really have no idea how much idle land were there in the past?

回復 158# 的帖子

hi Weakest,

其實沒有人會真正知道(審判)到另一個人是否"真正"基督徒 :
哥林多前書 4:5 所以,時候未到,甚麼都不要論斷,只等主來,他要照出暗中的隱情,顯明人心的意念。那時,各人要從 上帝那裡得著稱讚。

但有線索可尋 :
路加福音 6:43 因為,沒有好樹結壞果子,也沒有壞樹結好果子。


神藉律法告訴我們, 讓我們知道殺人是剝削別人的生命, 即私奪了神所創造的人類的寶貴生命, 是極大的罪, 這是大規則

但神知道人的隱情, 神知道一個人做一件事的真正動機, 所以神才有資格去審判人~ 也只有神知道一個人是否真正基督徒

殺人一定是大罪, 假借神的名義殺人的罪更大, (真正)基督徒比任何人更清楚, 也是為何要和大家辯論這些辯得認真的原因
1. Using knife to compare with belief is inappropriate. Christian belief have distorted human's 人性, and justify the killing action. But could a knife be used to justify killing? It is simply a tool that makes killing possible, the action are done by people, who believes killing is a good action as told by "God" (or with some other reason).

2. That's why Christianity could make people doing bad things. And it is unreasonable for those Christian who want to defend the Christian belief simply by "they are not real Christian", right?

3. There is a set of beliefs for Christianity. "Love people" is a good thing. "Killing people with different belief" is a bad thing

By weakest

回復 165# Nomad 的帖子

By God's Law, do you mean the Law of Moses?

We need Sherman over here.

Sher--- man.. Sher --- man

Oh mine.  So Joshua is a false prophet.  Moses is a false prophet.. among the many.

[ 本帖最後由 dye 於 2008-2-21 17:36 編輯 ]

回復 162# M2 的帖子

There are Christians who "use" their beliefs as reasons to kill, and there are Christians who "use" their beliefs as reasons to save.  Are u going to condemn the beliefs or the persons doing the bad things?

很清楚的回答, 我會記低, =P



回復 168# M2 的帖子

Interbreed.  Interbreed.  

Land surveying help.  The land resources can be limited, but since we are not all knowing, we can find good places that is uninhabited.

Influx of tech also help.  New method of farming can increase the capacity of the land, and possibly make what used to be inhabitable land habitable.

Among the many possibility...  you need to be innovative here.

When God is on your sides, land can become fertile!

[ 本帖最後由 dye 於 2008-2-21 17:42 編輯 ]

回復 164# M2 的帖子

跟著聯想... 菲律賓, 印尼...




>跟著聯想... 菲律賓, 印尼...


回復 166# Paul_Bard 的帖子

Unfortunately, in now, no people could really distinguish the "real" Christian from "unreal" group. Someone may speak some devil, even he/she is from church, and use the "word of God" to justify killing actions. For Christian, God could judge, but, how about the way that people could follow AT THIS TIME? After all, people's choice of actions would mostly be an immediate choice and not much time is allowed for people to consider, and therefore, it would be too late for people to wait for the "final judgement" of God.

  Therefore, for a normal person, how could they deal with this kind of "imperfect information"? Is it reasonable for them to be alert on the Christian belief?

By weakest
>Unfortunately, in now, no people could really distinguish the "real" Christian from "unreal" group. Someone may speak some devil, even he/she is from church, and use the "word of God" to justify killing actions. For Christian, God could judge, but, how about the way that people could follow AT THIS TIME? After all, people's choice of actions would mostly be an immediate choice and not much time is allowed for people to consider, and therefore, it would be too late for people to wait for the "final judgement" of God.

>  Therefore, for a normal person, how could they deal with this kind of "imperfect information"? Is it reasonable for them to be alert on the Christian belief?


>There are Christians who "use" their beliefs as reasons to kill, and there are Christians who "use" their beliefs as reasons to save.  Are u going to condemn the beliefs or the persons doing the bad things?

很明顯地又是沒讀過Milgram's Experiment,和納粹/日軍和普通平民的關係的又一個人。

殺人放火金腰帶 這名句真係冇講錯
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