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[求情時間] 天主教再添性醜聞!法國紅衣主教承認性虐未成年少女

回覆 3# 抽刀斷水
佢showoff吖嘛:“若非我自己認,幾十年您都吹我唔漲啦”真正嘅意思係咁.即係好有些似serial killers其實有被捉到的慾望, 捉佢唔到唯有自己認
你靠估都很有可能, 係聖教會決定賠錢嗰陣佢先至認嘅
"At a time when the French Catholic Church has just started to pay financial compensation to victims of child sexual abuse, Ricard said he had decided “not to stay silent any more about [his] situation” and that he was available for the country’s justice and for church authorities."

https://www.theguardian.com/worl ... d-girl-35-years-ago
Don't know where God is but the Devil is in the details
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