原帖由 旁觀者 於 2008-2-25 09:32 發表 
「信的人必有神蹟隨著他們。就是奉我的名趕鬼、說新方言、手能拿蛇、若喝了甚麼毒物也必不 ...
>>>>>>>>> 最可憐復可笑的卻是基督徒,天天抱著本破書當寶,將騙子奉為神靈膜拜。
but , 
最最可憐的卻是 : :::::::::: our old peaceful traditions or religions , buddhism or taosim e.t.c.
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Korean_Christianity引用:responsible for a steady decline in themembership and influence of Buddhism, Shamanism and Confucianism
>>>>>>>>> In any case,Christianity has overtaken Buddhism in Korea
>>>>>>>>> In any case,Christianity has overtaken Buddhism in Korea
>>>>>>>>> In any case,Christianity has overtaken Buddhism in Korea
>>>>>>>>> In any case,Christianity has overtaken Buddhism in Korea
the taoism , 4example , 's been being in korea over 2xxx years ,
but ,
up2now , the current taoists in south korea : :::::::::: only 1xxx , sometimes under 1000 ,
'the figures 'r quoted from the hk's taoism's free newspaper : ::::: `````````福報''''''''''
the taoism , 4example , in singapore , has/////////had no taoistic temple ,
the figure being quoted from the hk's taoism's free newspaper : ::::: `````````福報'''''''''' again ,
[ 本帖最後由 prussianz 於 2008-2-26 13:10 編輯 ] |