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回復 35# Nomad 的帖子

Be fair.  

The Jews also massacre many different tribes around the area until they establish their little kingdom.  You only need to look at what Joshua did

Even the once friendly Egypt that 'adopted' them get 10 plagues...

Karma.  Thousand years of bad karma is at work.


Chinese: People who shave others head, will get their head shaved by others.
English: What goes around comes around

Then again, we all know the story in the bible is bullshit


[ 本帖最後由 dye 於 2008-4-15 09:51 編輯 ]

回復 39# 龍井樹 的帖子

If you insist..  here is a bit of the problem

Let assume for a moment that US of A let one of their states gain independence and become a Jewish state:

Problem a) Which state?  Alaska?  Hawaii?

Problem b) Even though the state is Jewish, there are people living on the state already.  If the state is chosen on the bible belt, these fellow also hate Jews.  Do they need to expell all the inhabitant first and create a hunamitarian disaster?  Or do they let the two fight to death on the newly independent country?  (Before the independence, the relationship between Jews and Arab is not that bad in Palestine.  They have tried initially to create a Palestianian state where the two can live in harmony.)

Problem c) How do they import the Jews procecuted across the globe to that particular state? A lot of them is in Europe, and Russia.  Do they cross the ocean to Hawaii?  Or cross the artic to Alaska?  Or someone get a transport carrier and bring everyone to Carolina?

Problem d) Can/will the Jews feel related to a Israel state in say, Alaska instead of their 'promised land'?

The current Israel state is not the best, but the reason behind it is not solely political.

The reality is that Jews in USA is not concentrated enough to make an autonomous region for Jews.  If the fellow in Bible belt can vote a state into Christian heaven, so can Jews vote a state into Jewish heaven.  The question is do they have the number?

For oil, let see.

Most of the oil imported to USA is from Canada or South America because of transport cost.

Middle East supply oil for the rest of the globe (maybe not Australia)

In trading, the oil market is global.  A cheaper oil price help every country that depends on oil (which is all industrialize nations).

In voting, money can only buy so many vote.  USA citizen is no dumber than Chinese or Canadian.  What price do you have for your conscience (compare to your income)?

How much (compare to your iincome) does it take to hire you to vote against China interest?

[ 本帖最後由 dye 於 2008-4-15 10:35 編輯 ]

回復 41# 龍井樹 的帖子

It really depends on which Jews we are talking to.

From interview conducted by news agency, there are Jews that really wish to establish the "Greater Israel state" (With ALL Palestine) These are people that live near the border of the current Israel.  The 'Settler'.  

At the same time, there are fellow in Tel Aviv that feel perfectly fine living togather with Arab.

It is the same everywhere in the world.

The scholar that writes a book tends to be the 'sane' people.  But most people are not scholar (including me), nor write a book.

Look at a liberal Christian and a Fundie, there is a real difference.

[ 本帖最後由 dye 於 2008-4-15 11:30 編輯 ]

回復 43# Nomad 的帖子

Com'on, but they successful in making people believe the bullsh-t!

Isn't it bad karma to spread faulty information? (And eventually created Islam and Christianity?)

Yes they are more educated.  But people who acquire critical thinking seems to be minority for most part of history.

回復 46# Nomad 的帖子

Really?  What about the fellows on the Bible belt?

I assume you mean they never get procecuted officially.
"a) China in fact considered giving them a piece of their land. Well, if we had, it would have been a disaster because of the later cultural revolution that screws up effectively everything in the vincinity of Chinese soil. If Cultural Revolution did not happened, though, that would have given us a hell of a political capitol."

If we do give them a piece, nationalist will be burning Jewish goods everyday just like how they handle the Fishing Island.

"b) remember, Alaska, is NOT, I repeat, is NOT, on the Bible Belt. Only that it will be very bad for the Jews to settle there (trade opportunity is slim)."

Seriously, how many states in US is not populated by Christians of different shade?

"c) Jews did travelled to Isreal from US!"

Rich Jews.  Not every Jews is rich enough for the ticket.  Especially while they are being procecuted.  Consider that they need to bring their belongings over the ocean, it is no easy task.

回復 50# Nomad 的帖子

What is the population of US?  What % of it is Jews?

What % of Israel is Jews?
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