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Never said Anneliese Michel 係曉去驅魔既修女嚟
沙文 發表於 2022/5/12 05:10

Don't know where God is but the Devil is in the details
疫情下, 搞掂咗靈魂,肉軀都安寧。
Don't know where God is but the Devil is in the details

https://www.bg3.co/a/qu-mo-da-fa ... a-xing-pai-dui.html
Don't know where God is but the Devil is in the details
本帖最後由 beebeechan 於 2022/5/12 05:51 編輯
沙文 發表於 2022/5/12 05:35

大師係咁講, 唔係我: 驅魔大法師驚人之語:梵蒂岡綁架女童參加性派對!
Don't know where God is but the Devil is in the details
大師係咁講, 唔係我翕: 驅魔大法師驚人之語:梵蒂岡綁架女童參加性派對!
沙文 發表於 2022/5/12 06:03

驅魔, 佢係大師, 講其它野佢係學師

正如沙文講鹹野賤野係專長大師級, 一講聖經就係大屎
Don't know where God is but the Devil is in the details
Don't know where God is but the Devil is in the details
沙文 發表於 2022/5/12 06:35

在聖經, 天主教事務上, 我的確係你上師
其他野。。。未知 (投資方面都在你之上)

鹹野賤野, 打個平手喇
沙文 發表於 2022/5/12 06:36

有通靈消息doesnt necessarily mean附魔。好似天主同某人諭示,又唔係上咗某人身咁解。原來你一睇聖經就太屎
Don't know where God is but the Devil is in the details
其他野。。。未知 (投資方面都在你之上)
beebeechan 發表於 2022/5/11 14:39

沙文 發表於 2022/5/12 06:46

Don't know where God is but the Devil is in the details
沙文 發表於 2022/5/12 06:46

Never said Anneliese Michel 係曉去驅魔既修女嚟
沙文 發表於 2022/5/12 05:10

你就嗱嗱臨咁掉個Anneliese_Michel, 話我唔在行,
「Never said Anneliese Michel 係曉去驅魔既修女」


算喇, 呢啲都係你一向既風格嚟
我話您唔在行,係您唔識midnight 復活節彌撒,唔係Anneliese Michel喎,您自己戇居啫,關我叉事
Don't know where God is but the Devil is in the details
Wives of Ukrainian soldiers appeal to Pope Francis for help
Two Ukrainian women, whose husbands are fighting Russia’s invasion of their homeland, meet with Pope Francis and describe to journalists their husbands’ plight in the Azovstal steel plant in Mariupol.
By Salvatore Cernuzio and Francesca Merlo

Katheryna Prokopenko and Yulya Fedosiuk came to the Vatican and met with Pope Francis on the sidelines of the Wednesday General Audience.

Their soldier husbands are holed up in the Azovstal steel plant, which has become the last holdout of Ukrainian forces in Mariupol and the focus of heavy Russian shelling.

The two women met the Pope for only a few moments, but later told journalists they were “historic” ones.

Hoping for help
Katheryna and Yulya hail from Kyiv and Lviv but are making their way to Germany as refugees.

They spoke to reporters as representatives of the 500-odd wives of Ukrainian soldiers fighting in the steel plant, saying their hearts are weighed down by worry.

“I can't even explain what I felt at that moment,” said Yulya, describing their encounter with the Pope. “I was a little nervous, because it was a historic moment, and we all hope that it will help save the lives of our husbands and soldiers in Azovstal. We hope this meeting will give us a chance to save their lives."

She and Katheryna expressed their hopes that Ukrainian fighters can be evacuated from Mariupol to another country. If given sufficient guarantees, the soldiers say they are “are ready to lay down their arms.”

"We are all ready to help them, I hope,” said Yulya. “We will do everything we can to save them.”

Situation in Azvostal steel plant
The two young Ukrainian women said they spoke to Pope Francis in English and offered him details about the situation in Azvostal, where about 700 soldiers are wounded, with gangrenous or amputated limbs.

Many, they said, have died but have not received a Christian burial. Their bodies are decomposing in the extensive tunnel system under the steel plant.

The women added that many civilians remain trapped underground there, mostly families of soldiers who are afraid of being evacuated. They fear their husbands will be tortured and killed.

Katheryna and Yulya with the Pope
Katheryna and Yulya with the Pope
Scarce supplies
The soldiers face a scarcity of supplies, with little food, water, and medical supplies. Mariupol has no functioning hospitals due to Russia’s extensive shelling campaign on the port city.

"The situation is terrible, and we all feel it,” said the Ukrainian women. “We are following from here. Every day we receive terrible news from our husbands.”

One called his wife Tuesday night. She said Wednesday she would do anything to save his life.

"I apologize for being so nervous," she told reporters, adding that two days ago her husband asked her to look up an article on how to live without water as long as possible. "That is their situation!"

Pope’s promise of prayers
Katheryna and Yulya asked the Pope for help so that humanitarian corridors could be set up in the near future to evacuate those who remain in Mariupol.

Pope Francis assured them of his prayers and shook hands with the two women. They pleaded with the Pope to visit Ukraine, perhaps Zaporizhzhia, or talk to Russian President Vladimir Putin to mediate an end to the "cruel" war.

Appeal to the international community
The two Ukrainian women also appealed to the international community to form "a strong coalition" that would allow Mariupol soldiers and civilians to reach a third country.

Asked which country, they said, "It depends on those who have the courage to take them in. It could be Turkey, Switzerland, or any other country that wants to be the first to evacuate, help, and rescue them. We are waiting for that. If our husbands could go somewhere else, we would go with them. Then we hope to go back to Kyiv and the Ukraine we love. It is important for us; we don't want to be refugees."
(梵蒂岡新聞網)聯合國糧農組織、國際農業發展基金和世界糧食計劃署於5月10日至13日在波蘭羅玆舉行第33屆聯合國糧農組織歐洲區域會議,聖座駐這三個機構的常駐觀察員奇卡(Fernando Chica Arellano)總主教出席會議並發表講話。他籲請與會人士,為“結束敵對行動”和恢復和平而不斷祈禱。




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