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    Art. 11. As the Government of the United States of America is not, in any sense, founded on the Christian religion,—as it has in itself no character of enmity against the laws, religion,or tranquility, of Mussulmen,—and as the said States never entered intoany war or act of hostility against any Mahometan nation, it isdeclared by the parties that no pretext arising from religious opinionsshall ever produce an interruption of the harmony existing between thetwo countries. - Treaty of Tripoli, John Adams
另,"The Year of our Lord"是源自當時歐洲沒有第二種曆法:


: The end of the Constitution records the year of its ratification, "the Seventeenth Day of September in the Year of our Lord one thousand seven hundred and Eighty seven." Although, indeed, it uses the word "Lord", it does not refer to Jesus but rather to the dating method. Incredibly, some Christians attempt to use this as justification for a Christian derived Constitution. The term simply conveys a written English form of the Latin, Anno Domini (AD), which means the year of our Lord (no, it does not mean After Death). This scripted form served as a common way of dating in the 1700s. The Constitution also uses many pagan words such as January (from the two-headed Roman god, Janus), and Sunday (from the word Sunne, which refers to the Saxon Sun god). Can you imagine the ludicrous position of someone trying to argue for the justification of a pagan god based Constitution? The same goes to any Christian who attempts to use a dating convention as an argument against the Constitution's secular nature, and can only paint himself as naive, or worse, as dishonest and deceiving. (For a satire on using calendar words to support pagan Gods, see The United States: A Country founded on paganism.)

另,Alice san
...很大程度,其實當年寫憲法的人主要是自然神論者而用的language如此的原因其實很簡單 - 自然神論和無神論在歐洲被「重新發明」的時候(因為那時之前,信基督教以外的人都被殺光,或者放逐到中東了),它是沒有自己的語言的,所以在自然神論者的措詞上,除了神名之外,多數的字根都只能由舊歐洲的宗教文化中借用,今時今日為了政治正確而發明的「Ultimate Relevance」「Supreme Entity」等字,其實是因為太多基督徒扭曲過往文獻而作出的避嫌。


至於In God We Trust呢,其實是在美國一個專門抓異見份子坐牢,拷問的年代由極力支持這些政策的人放上去的,所以很大程度上,到對於今時今日還拿出來炫耀的人,我亦不可憐他們在內地被阿共收監。
beebeechan 發表於 2010/8/4 19:24
本帖最後由 beebeechan 於 2010/9/2 03:54 編輯

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