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《莊子試妻》嘅古仔, 詐死將老婆玩到盡, 更加貼近阿稣嘅情節,   亦係我國經典一路向西 inspired 巴勒斯坦地區文化嘅成果。此故事有自缢情節, 比《秋胡戲妻》對門人猶大的心路歷程影響更為深遠。
Don't know where God is but the Devil is in the details
佢天上一日, 以為一返黎您實認得。  

點知您就地上千年, out of sight, out of mind. 唔見3日都當 3秋。

因為我國雖然有些文化傳咗過去,  但係漏咗一句: 「化咗灰我都認得您」
Don't know where God is but the Devil is in the details
咁樣話嘅國人梗係基督徒。 認人能力特渣, 點錯相
Don't know where God is but the Devil is in the details
原來有咁多證據證明佛教先係堅嘢, 真係有前世嘅。

Don't know where God is but the Devil is in the details

Don't know where God is but the Devil is in the details
9:25        耶穌看見眾人都跑上來、就斥責那污鬼、說、你這聾啞的鬼、我吩咐你從他裡頭出來、再不要進去。

好在唔係午夜場 , 實畀人割爛晒櫈
Don't know where God is but the Devil is in the details
other than 聾啞污鬼聽到嘢," 耶穌看見眾人都跑上來、就斥責那污鬼", 亦可圈可點。

搭巴士就定時開車, 但係小巴佬嘅經營策略, 係夠客先開車, 主耶穌就係小巴司機工會會員。收視率低, 我做黎盞嘥氣
Don't know where God is but the Devil is in the details
若是人少少, 佢講嘢穿咗崩,人地都未必覺, 但佢不自量力, 以為等到多尐觀眾就著數尐, 殊不知咁樣亦增加咗 觀眾之中有好似我心水清嘅概率。 呢尐味叫做捉蟲咯。
Don't know where God is but the Devil is in the details

Don't know where God is but the Devil is in the details
若果阿蘇喺廟街揾食, 較有把握係表演手能拿蛇
Don't know where God is but the Devil is in the details
Don't know where God is but the Devil is in the details
條粉腸出入13把口要食飯,後擁前呼, 如果真係冇revenue , 走江湖3年食西北風咩? 當成本都要卦
Don't know where God is but the Devil is in the details
敬業嘅演員、歌手,在面對全院滿座觀眾、或淒凉地只有一個觀眾, 表演素質都係一樣。

阿穌呢條契弟, 見到鬼上身細路, 卻不是盡快驅邪治鬼, 而係等夠觀眾才郁手。 根本就唔係以細路為本, 而係著重表演多過救細路。
Don't know where God is but the Devil is in the details
When Jesus saw that the people came running together- KJV
少數人入到, 等齊滿座先開show.
Don't know where God is but the Devil is in the details
回覆 1218# beebeechan

唔好話我唔教精您, 玩捉字虱, 不如 quote 另一件性質相似嘅事:
9:23                耶穌到了管會堂的家裡、看見有吹手、又有許多人亂嚷.
9:24                就說、退去罷.這閨女不是死了、是睡著了.他們就嗤笑他。
9:25                眾人既被攆出、耶穌就進去、拉著閨女的手、閨女便起來了。
Don't know where God is but the Devil is in the details
就唔會等 the people came running together先致開騷啦。
箇中玄妙, 都係等我解釋畁各位聽啦。 兩件 cases 唔同之處, 係一個鬼上身, 一個瓜老襯。

扮鬼上身, 係好難證偽嘅, 您揾醫生驗佢, 作係都碌喺地下典黎典去, 醫生都吹佢唔漲。

但詐死, 都未必要醫生驗, 求其阿茂阿夀,幾分鐘內就可以睇出 。 這就是為什麼要盡快清場以防敗露。
Don't know where God is but the Devil is in the details
回覆 1226# beebeechan

佢驚住萬一畁人睇穿條女詐死 , 咁都可以兜得番:嗱, 我都有話佢唔係死咗咖!
回覆 1227# beebeechan

莎劇又當堅料, 阿穌古仔又當堅料, 咁就唔好怪 internet 爆流料啦


hiking 遇到熊人您就詐死啦
點解經書原本猛吹要先搞掂猶太佬, 然後再到希臘佬:  
我不以福音為恥.這福音本是 神的大能、要救一切相信的、先是猶太人、後是希利尼人。

因為寫經嘅人, 根本唔係好熟猶太文化, 佢地吹水話福音書係主後唔知幾十年寫嘅, 或者冇錯。 不過一定唔係猶太佬寫嘅。

路19:23        為甚麼不把我的銀子交給銀行、等我來的時候、連本帶利都可以要回來呢。

各位聰明嘅版友們當然同我一樣, 一眼就睇得出破绽啦。

http://www.myjewishlearning.com/ ... lending-in-judaism/

所以, 路加 19:12 嘅主人, 要拎錢出埠, 存入 offshore 銀行先收到息, 而唔能夠鬧僕人唔 deposit 入local bank收息
唔知點解, 呢尐細節, 教徒係一定睇唔出嘅。
Don't know where God is but the Devil is in the details
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