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那請你算一算人口在15年內由300萬增至400萬, 要有多高出生率?

Ans: 1.94%
It is simple math.  Use your calculator to verify.
If not, I suggest you provide me with your anwser and calculations.
I know, I do not put into the account of the people murdered for various reason, die of disease and starvation, or of old age.

Or do I calculate the population distribution effect, or immigration and emmigration.

You speak of how high it has to be, and it does not need to be very high.  The population is only growing at 1.94% per annum, and as Nomad told you, population grow exponentially (in ideal condition).

I admit I am wrong.  It is the population growth, not the birth rate.  But you see the point.

Please show me where your 4 comes from.  That is where I get curious.
回復 164# Nomad

Indeed.  My wife is from mainland.
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