齊共去宣告 - 剛強壯膽 - declare together - tough and bravery
全因為你 - all because of you
愛是不保留 - love is not retain
上帝聽禱告 - god listen pray
天地讚美 - sky earth praise
你是王 - You are the King
獻給天上的主 - present to god
主信實無變 - god's honest unchanged
偶然遇上的驚喜 - accidental meet surprise
合而為一 - union
基督二千 - christ 2000
主我高舉你的名 - Lord I Lift Your Name on High
誰像耶穌 - who look like jesus
是你應許 - ipromise
求賜復興之火 - begging for the fire of rebirth
求將一生獻上 - begging for contribute your life
恩典太美麗 - grace is too beautiful
無言的讚頌 - no words praise
陶造新生命 creating new life
信心之火 the fire of faith http://www.jukeboxalive.com/play ... 8796749&method=play
齊共去警戒 - declare together - tough and bravery
全因為你 - all because of you
說是不保留 - love is not retain
後悔- god listen pray
上帝教會- sky earth praise
屈膝我前- You are the King
頌讚反教義士- present to god
主作大常變- god's honest unchanged
感激旅途有你 - accidental meet surprise
俠義為一 - union
反基二千- christ 2000
耶眾當給威赫名- Lord I Lift Your Name on High
耶毒邪穌 - who look like jesus
是我應許 - ipromise
絕情訣之伏魔之火- begging for the fire of rebirth
戰歌- begging for contribute your life
沒有枉送- grace is too beautiful
仁愛的讚頌- no words praise
前世異端- creating new life
前輩教徒- creating new life2
信教心魔 - the fire of faith
出竅 - soul go out
尋道 - find the way
聖道行 - holy way
愛相等之並肩行- shoulder to shoulder
天父與癲腐 - father and stroke
Christian guys crazy like crabs,
Christian guys absurd like mad mind,
I saw guys committing suicide,
I saw you guys want us to die.
You guys too crazy like crabs
send guys to grave,
asking destroy of human race,
to trace faith way,
living on earth ask earth to die
living with science ask blind faith
Jesus's guys like crazy crabs.